
Functions that handle hdf5 files

pysmFISH.hdf5_utils.create_loompy_raw_counting(hybridizations_infos, converted_positions, hybridization, flt_rawcnt_config, hyb_dir, processing_hyb, counting_gene_dirs)[source]

Function used to write the counting results in a loom file

hybridizations_infos: dict
Parsed information on the experiment.
converted_positions: dict
coords of the images for all hybridization.
hybridization: str
hybridization processed (ex. Hybridization2)
flt_rawcnt_config: dict
Parsed filtering a raw counting configuration file (Filtering_raw_counting.config.yaml)
counting_gene_dirs: list
List of the directories containing the counts
pysmFISH.hdf5_utils.hdf5_create_preprocessing_file(hybridizations_infos, processing_hyb, hybridization, analysis_name, hyb_dir, converted_positions, image_properties)[source]

Create the hdf5 file that will contain the preprocessed images for one hybridization. The preprocessing .hdf5 file must have a .ppf.hdf5 extension The file will be created for serial writing of the hdf5 file. After creation the file is closed. Remember that the ‘lzf’ compression do not accept extra items

hybridizations_infos: dict
Parsed Hybridizations metadata
processing_hyb: str
Hybridization to process. The function will create an hdf5 file for the hybridization only
hybridization: str
Hybridization name
analysis_name: str
Analysis name
hyb_dir: str
Path of the dir where to save the file
converted_positions: dict
Parsed positions