
pysmFISH.object_based_segmentation.IntersectionCouples(couple, TotalDataDict)[source]

Function to consolidate the overlapping couples. Identify if there are multiple overlapping, merge the coords together and keep only one label

couple: list
List of tuples with the labels of the overlapping objects. If contains more than one repeat of the same object, the repeats are removed.
TotalDataDict: dict
Dictionary with the labels and the coords of the identified objects after merging the result of the segmentation on the different image chunks.
SaveLab: list
List of saved labels.
RemoveLabs: list
List of the remove labels.
NewCoords: list
Merged obj coords.
pysmFISH.object_based_segmentation.OverlappingCouples(chunk_coords, TotalDataDict)[source]

Calculate all the intersecting objects

chunk_coords: list
List of np.array with the coords of the images with padding
TotalDataDict: dict
Dictionary with the labels and the coords of the identified objects after merging the result of the segmentation on the different image chunks.
Intersecting_cpl: list
List of tuples with all the overlapping labels [(Obj1,Obj12),(Obj2, Obj3)].
pysmFISH.object_based_segmentation.image_chunking(img, chunk_size, percent_padding)[source]

Function used to generate the coords of the images according to the chunking

stitched_file_hdl: pointer
Handle of the hdf5 file that contains the stitched image.
gene: str
Processed gene (‘Nuclei’).
PercentPadding: float
Percent of overlapping between the different images (Ex. 0.2).
ChunkSize: int
Dimension of the Chunks.
Coords_Chunks_list: list
List of np.array with the coords of the images without padding
Coords_Padded_Chunks_list: list
List of np.array with the coords of the images with padding

For both lists each np.array contains the coords in the following order: [row_tl,row_br,col_tl,col_br]

pysmFISH.object_based_segmentation.image_chunks_calculator(dimension, chunk_size)[source]

Helper function to calculate the size of the chunks created according the length of the vector and the chunk size.

dimension: int
Length of the vector to Chunk
chunkSize: int
Dimension of the Chunks
chunks_sizes: np.array
Array of the sizes of the created chunks. It deals with conditions when the expected chunks size do not fit an even number of times in the dimension

Calculate the morphological properties of the object (connected component).

obj: dict
Dictionary with the object label and the coords.
obj_prop_dict: dict
Dictionary with the calculated properties of the object
pysmFISH.object_based_segmentation.polyT_segmentation(Img, min_object_size, min_distance, disk_radium_rank_filer, threshold_rel, trimming)[source]

Function that runs the polyT segmentation on an image

Img: np.array
2D image to be segmented
min_object_size: int
Minimum size of a connected component in order to be considered a cell.
min_distance: int
Minimum distance between peaks for the creation of the markers for the first round of watershed.
disk_radium_rank_filer: int
Size of the filter for preprocessing the image in order to calculate the Thr.
threshold_rel: float
relative threshold between the markers for the first round of watershed.
trimming: int
Define the trimming point for the selection of the Thr for image processing.
Objects_dict: dict
Dictionary with the labels and their coords.