Source code for preprocessing_script

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Import dask distributed to monitor the running client
from distributed import Client,LocalCluster
from dask import delayed
from collections import OrderedDict
import os
import logging
import glob
import nd2reader as nd2
from skimage import io, img_as_float,filters
import pickle
import argparse
import h5py
import yaml
import sys
import multiprocessing
import shutil
# -----------------
import numpy as  np

from pysmFISH import utils,counting,dots_calling,io, hdf5_utils

from pysmFISH.stitching_package import stitching
from pysmFISH.stitching_package import tilejoining
from pysmFISH.stitching_package import hdf5preparation
from pysmFISH.stitching_package import pairwisesingle

[docs]def preprocessing_script(): """ This script will process all the hybridization folders combined in a processing folder. The input parameters are passed using arparse Parameters: ----------- scheduler: string tcp address of the dask.distributed scheduler (ex. tcp:// default = False. If False the process will run on the local computer using nCPUs-1 path: string Path to the processing directory """ # Inputs of the function parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Preprocessing script') parser.add_argument('-scheduler', default=False, help='dask scheduler address ex. tcp://') parser.add_argument('-path', help='processing directory') args = parser.parse_args() # Directory to process processing_directory = args.path # Dask scheduler address scheduler_address = args.scheduler if scheduler_address: # Start dask client on server or cluster client=Client(scheduler_address) else: # Start dask client on local machine. It will use all the availabe # cores -1 # number of core to use ncores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()-1 cluster = LocalCluster(n_workers=ncores) client=Client(cluster) # Subdirectories of the processing_directory that need to be skipped for the # analysis blocked_directories = ['_logs'] # Starting logger utils.init_file_logger(processing_directory) logger = logging.getLogger() # Determine the operating system running the code os_windows, add_slash = utils.determine_os() # Check training slash in the processing directory processing_directory=utils.check_trailing_slash(processing_directory,os_windows) # Get a list of the hybridization to process processing_hyb_list = next(os.walk(processing_directory))[1] # Remove the blocked directories from the directories to process processing_hyb_list = [el for el in processing_hyb_list if el not in blocked_directories ] for processing_hyb in processing_hyb_list: # Determine the hyb number from the name hybridization_number = processing_hyb.split('_hyb')[-1] hybridization = 'Hybridization' + hybridization_number hyb_dir = processing_directory + processing_hyb + add_slash # Parse the Experimental metadata file (serial) experiment_infos,image_properties, hybridizations_infos, \ converted_positions, microscope_parameters =\ utils.experimental_metadata_parser(hyb_dir) # Parse the configuration file flt_rawcnt_config = utils.filtering_raw_counting_config_parser(hyb_dir) # ----------------- .nd2 FILE CONVERSION ------------------------------ # Create the temporary subdirectory tree (serial) tmp_dir_path, tmp_gene_dirs=utils.create_subdirectory_tree(hyb_dir,\ hybridization,hybridizations_infos,processing_hyb,suffix='tmp',add_slash=add_slash) # Get the list of the nd2 files to process inside the directory files_list = glob.glob(hyb_dir+processing_hyb+'_raw_data'+add_slash+'*.nd2') # Get the list of genes that are analyzed in the current hybridization gene_list = list(hybridizations_infos[hybridization].keys()) # Organize the file to process in a list which order match the gene_list for # parallel processing organized_files_list = [f for gene in gene_list for f in files_list if gene+'.nd2' in f ] organized_tmp_dir_list = [f for gene in gene_list for f in tmp_gene_dirs if gene in f ] # Each .nd2 file will be processed in a worker part of a different node # Get the addresses of one process/node to use for conversion node_addresses = utils.identify_nodes(client) workers_conversion = [list(el.items())[0][1] for key,el in node_addresses.items()] # Run the conversion,gene_list,organized_files_list, tmp_gene_dirs,processing_hyb=processing_hyb, use_ram=flt_rawcnt_config['use_ram'], max_ram=flt_rawcnt_config['max_ram'], workers=workers_conversion) client.gather(futures_processes) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------- FILTERING AND RAW COUNTING ------------------------ # Create directories # Create the directory where to save the filtered images suffix = 'filtered_png' filtered_png_img_dir_path, filtered_png_img_gene_dirs = \ utils.create_subdirectory_tree(hyb_dir,hybridization,hybridizations_infos, processing_hyb,suffix,add_slash,analysis_name=flt_rawcnt_config['analysis_name']) suffix = 'filtered_npy' filtered_img_dir_path, filtered_img_gene_dirs = \ utils.create_subdirectory_tree(hyb_dir,hybridization,hybridizations_infos, processing_hyb,suffix,add_slash,analysis_name=flt_rawcnt_config['analysis_name']) # Create the directory where to save the counting suffix = 'counting' counting_dir_path, counting_gene_dirs = \ utils.create_subdirectory_tree(hyb_dir,hybridization,hybridizations_infos,processing_hyb, suffix,add_slash,flt_rawcnt_config['skip_tags_counting'], flt_rawcnt_config['skip_genes_counting'], analysis_name=flt_rawcnt_config['analysis_name']) if flt_rawcnt_config['illumination_correction']: # Create the directory where to save the counting suffix = 'illumination_funcs' illumination_func_dir_path, illumination_func_gene_dirs = \ utils.create_subdirectory_tree(hyb_dir,hybridization,hybridizations_infos,processing_hyb, suffix,add_slash,analysis_name=flt_rawcnt_config['analysis_name']) # Loop through channels and calculate illumination for gene in hybridizations_infos[hybridization].keys(): flist_img_to_filter=glob.glob(hyb_dir+processing_hyb+'_tmp/'+processing_hyb+'_'+gene+'_tmp/*.npy') logger.debug('Create average image for gene %s', gene) # Chunking the image list num_chunks = sum(list(client.ncores().values())) chunked_list = utils.list_chunking(flist_img_to_filter,num_chunks) # Scatter the images sublists to process in parallel futures = client.scatter(chunked_list) # Create dask processing graph output = [] for future in futures: ImgMean = delayed(utils.partial_image_mean)(future) output.append(ImgMean) ImgMean_all = delayed(sum)(output) ImgMean_all = ImgMean_all/float(len(futures)) # Compute the graph ImgMean = ImgMean_all.compute() logger.debug('Create illumination function for gene %s',gene) # Create illumination function Illumination=filters.gaussian(ImgMean,sigma=(20,300,300)) # Normalization of the illumination Illumination_flat=np.amax(Illumination,axis=0) Illumination_norm=Illumination_flat/np.amax(Illumination_flat) logger.debug('Save illumination function for gene %s',gene) # Save the illumination function illumination_path = [ill_path for ill_path in illumination_func_gene_dirs if gene in ill_path][0] illumination_fname=illumination_path+gene+'_illumination_func.npy',Illumination_norm,allow_pickle=False) # Broadcast the illumination function to all the cores client.scatter(Illumination_norm, broadcast=True) logger.debug('Filtering %s',gene) # Filtering and counting,flist_img_to_filter, \ illumination_function=Illumination_norm,\ filtered_png_img_gene_dirs=filtered_png_img_gene_dirs,\ filtered_img_gene_dirs =filtered_img_gene_dirs,\ counting_gene_dirs=counting_gene_dirs,plane_keep=flt_rawcnt_config['plane_keep'], \ min_distance=flt_rawcnt_config['min_distance'], stringency=flt_rawcnt_config['stringency'],\ skip_genes_counting=flt_rawcnt_config['skip_genes_counting'],skip_tags_counting=flt_rawcnt_config['skip_tags_counting']) client.gather(futures_processes) else: for gene in hybridizations_infos[hybridization].keys(): flist_img_to_filter=glob.glob(hyb_dir+processing_hyb+'_tmp/'+processing_hyb+'_'+gene+'_tmp/*.npy') # filtering logger.debug('Filtering without illumination correction %s',gene),flist_img_to_filter, \ filtered_png_img_gene_dirs=filtered_png_img_gene_dirs, \ filtered_img_gene_dirs=filtered_img_gene_dirs, \ counting_gene_dirs=counting_gene_dirs, \ plane_keep=flt_rawcnt_config['plane_keep'], min_distance=flt_rawcnt_config['min_distance'],\ stringency=flt_rawcnt_config['stringency'],\ skip_genes_counting=flt_rawcnt_config['skip_genes_counting'],skip_tags_counting=flt_rawcnt_config['skip_tags_counting']) client.gather(futures_processes) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ----------------- COMBINE THE FILTERED DATA IN .ppf.hdf5 ------------------------ # # Combine the filter data in one single .ppf for each hybridization # # This step will run in serial mode and will not need to shuffle data # # between cores because everything is on the common file system # logger.debug('Create .ppf.hdf5 file') # # Create the ppf.hdf5 file that contains the filtered data in uint16 # preprocessing_file_path = hdf5_utils.hdf5_create_preprocessing_file(hybridizations_infos,processing_hyb, # hybridization,flt_rawcnt_config['analysis_name'], hyb_dir,converted_positions,image_properties) # logger.debug('Write the .npy filtered files into the .ppf file') # # Load and write the .npy tmp images into the hdf5 file # # open the hdf5 file # with h5py.File(preprocessing_file_path) as f_hdl: # # Loop through each gene # for gene in hybridizations_infos[hybridization].keys(): # logger.debug('Writing %s images in .ppf.hdf5',gene) # # list of the files to transfer # filtered_gene_dir = [fdir for fdir in filtered_img_gene_dirs if gene in fdir][0] # filtered_files_list = glob.glob(filtered_gene_dir+'*.npy') # # loop through the list of file # for f_file in filtered_files_list: # pos = f_file.split('/')[-1].split('_')[-1].split('.')[0] # f_hdl[gene]['FilteredData'][pos][:] =np.load(f_file) # f_hdl.flush() # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ----------------- STITCHING ------------------------ # # Load the stitching parameters from the .yaml file # # Stitch the image in 2D or 3D (3D need more work/testing) # nr_dim = flt_rawcnt_config['nr_dim'] # # Estimated overlapping between images according to the Nikon software # est_overlap = image_properties['Overlapping_percentage'] # # Number of peaks to use for the alignment # nr_peaks = flt_rawcnt_config['nr_peaks'] # # Determine if the coords need to be flipped # y_flip = flt_rawcnt_config['y_flip'] # # Method to use for blending # # can be 'linear' or 'non linear' # # The methods that performs the best is the 'non linear' # blend = flt_rawcnt_config['blend'] # # Reference gene for stitching # reference_gene = flt_rawcnt_config['reference_gene'] # pixel_size = image_properties['PixelSize'] # # Get the list of the filtered files of the reference gene # filtered_gene_dir = [gene_dir for gene_dir in filtered_img_gene_dirs if reference_gene in gene_dir][0] # filtered_files_list = glob.glob(filtered_gene_dir+'*.npy') # # Create pointer of the hdf5 file that will store the stitched reference image # # for the current hybridization # # Writing # tile_file_base_name = flt_rawcnt_config['analysis_name']+'_'+ processing_hyb # data_name = (tile_file_base_name # + '_' + reference_gene # + '_stitching_data') # stitching_file_name = tile_file_base_name + '.sf.hdf5' # stitching_file= h5py.File(hyb_dir+stitching_file_name,'w',libver='latest') # replace with 'a' as soon as you fix the error # # Determine the tiles organization # tiles, contig_tuples, nr_pixels, z_count, micData = stitching.get_pairwise_input_npy(image_properties,converted_positions, hybridization, # est_overlap = est_overlap, y_flip = False, nr_dim = 2) # # Align the tiles #,contig_tuples, # filtered_files_list=filtered_files_list,micData=micData, # nr_peaks=nr_peaks) # # Gather the futures # data = client.gather(futures_processes) # # In this case the order of the returned contingency tuples is with # # the order of the input contig_tuples # # P_all = [el for data_single in data for el in data_single[0]] # P_all =[data_single[0] for data_single in data ] # P_all = np.array(P_all) # P_all = P_all.flat[:] # covs_all = [data_single[1] for data_single in data] # alignment = {'P': P_all, # 'covs': covs_all} # # Calculates a shift in global coordinates for each tile (global # # alignment) and then applies these shifts to the corner coordinates # # of each tile and returns and saves these shifted corner coordinates. # joining = stitching.get_place_tile_input(hyb_dir, tiles, contig_tuples, # micData, nr_pixels, z_count, # alignment, data_name, # nr_dim=nr_dim) # # Create the hdf5 file structure # stitched_group, linear_blending, blend = hdf5preparation.create_structures_hdf5_stitched_ref_gene_file_npy(stitching_file, joining, nr_pixels, # reference_gene, blend = 'non linear') # # Fill the hdf5 containing the stitched image with empty data and # # create the blending mask # stitched_group['final_image'][:]= np.zeros(joining['final_image_shape'],dtype=np.float64) # if blend is not None: # # make mask # stitched_group['blending_mask'][:] = np.zeros(joining['final_image_shape'][-2:],dtype=np.float64) # tilejoining.make_mask(joining, nr_pixels, stitched_group['blending_mask']) # # Create the subdirectory used to save the blended tiles # suffix = 'blended_tiles' # blended_tiles_directory = utils.create_single_directory(hyb_dir,reference_gene, hybridization,processing_hyb,suffix,add_slash, # analysis_name=flt_rawcnt_config['analysis_name']) # # Get the directory with the filtered npy images of the reference_gene to use for stitching # stitching_files_dir = [npy_dir for npy_dir in filtered_img_gene_dirs if reference_gene in npy_dir][0] # # Create the tmp directory where to save the masks # suffix = 'masks' # masked_tiles_directory = utils.create_single_directory(hyb_dir,reference_gene, hybridization,processing_hyb,suffix,add_slash, # analysis_name=flt_rawcnt_config['analysis_name']) # # Create and save the mask files # for corn_value,corner_coords in joining['corner_list']: # if not(np.isnan(corner_coords[0])): # cur_mask = stitched_group['blending_mask'][int(corner_coords[0]):int(corner_coords[0]) + int(nr_pixels), # int(corner_coords[1]):int(corner_coords[1]) + int(nr_pixels)] # fname = masked_tiles_directory + flt_rawcnt_config['analysis_name'] +'_'+processing_hyb+'_'+reference_gene+'_masks_joining_pos_'+str(corn_value) #,cur_mask) # # Blend all the tiles and save them in a directory # futures_processes =,joining['corner_list'], # stitching_files_dir = stitching_files_dir, # blended_tiles_directory = blended_tiles_directory, # masked_tiles_directory = masked_tiles_directory, # analysis_name = flt_rawcnt_config['analysis_name'], # processing_hyb = processing_hyb,reference_gene = reference_gene, # micData = micData,tiles = tiles,nr_pixels=nr_pixels, # linear_blending=linear_blending) # _ = client.gather(futures_processes) # # Write the stitched image # tilejoining.make_final_image_npy(joining, stitching_file, blended_tiles_directory, tiles,reference_gene, nr_pixels) # # close the hdf5 file # stitching_file.close() # # Delete the directories with blended tiles and masks # shutil.rmtree(blended_tiles_directory) # shutil.rmtree(masked_tiles_directory) # ----------------- DELETE FILES ------------------------ # Don't delete the *.npy files here because can be used to # create the final images using the apply stitching related function client.close()
if __name__ == '__main__': preprocessing_script()