Source code for pysmFISH.filtering

import numpy as np
from skimage import filters,img_as_float
from scipy import ndimage as nd

[docs]def nuclei_filtering(img_stack): """ This function remove the background from the nuclei For the sigma I seleced a value quite bigger than the nuclei size in order to remove them from the image. I used what showed on the gaussian filter code page and on this link on stackoverflow: Arguments ----------- img_stack: np.array float64 3D numpy array with the image Returns ----------- filtered_image: np.array float64 2D flattened image """ # Clean the image from the background img_stack = img_stack-filters.gaussian(img_stack,sigma=(2,100,100)) # Remove the negative values img_stack[img_stack<0] = 0 # Flatten the image filtered_image = np.amax(img_stack,axis=0) return filtered_image
[docs]def smFISH_filtering(img_stack): """ This function remove the background from the smFISH and enhance the dots. Arguments ----------- img_stack: np.array float64 3D numpy array with the image Returns ----------- filtered_image: np.array float64 2D flattened image """ # Use a gaussian with kernel bigger than the dots to estimate the background # and remove it from the image img_stack = img_stack-filters.gaussian(img_stack,sigma=(1,8,8)) img_stack[img_stack<0] = 0 # Enhance the dots img_stack = nd.gaussian_laplace(img_stack,sigma=(0.2,0.5,0.5)) img_stack = -img_stack # the peaks are negative so invert the signal img_stack[img_stack<0] = 0 # All negative values set to zero # Flatten the image filtered_image = np.amax(img_stack,axis=0) return filtered_image