Source code for pysmFISH.stitching_package.pairwisesingle

"""High level helper functions that deal with the alignment of
a single pair of neighbours, written for use by the class pairwise
Creates its own logger object when imported.

align_single_pair       -- Determine the ideal alignment between two
                        neighbouring tiles
refine_single_pair      -- Determine the ideal alignment between two
                        neighbouring tiles, with the use of an old
determine_overlap       -- Determine the overlap between two
                        neighbouring tiles
calculate_pos_shifts    -- Calulate possible shifts, given two
                        overlapping images.
find_best_trans         -- Find the best translation using the cross
find_best_trans_corr    -- Find the best translation using the cross
perform_upsampling      -- Perform upsampling for subpixel precision in
                        the shift

import numpy as np
from skimage import img_as_float
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import logging

from . import inout
from . import pairwisehelper as ph

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# The method used for the 3D alignment.
# Options are: 'compress pic', 'use whole pic' and 'calculate per layer'.
# We have been using 'compress pic', which  is the most accurate and
# fastest method.
# Therefore  'use whole pic' and 'calculate per layer' have not been
# extensively tested.
method = 'compress pic'

#######################Second level functions#######################
[docs]def align_single_pair(tiles, tile_file, contig_tuples, contig_ind, micData, nr_peaks, nr_dim=2, nr_slices=None): """Determine the ideal alignment between two neighbouring tiles Parameters: ----------- tiles: list List of strings. List of references to the the tiles in the hdf5 file tile_file. tile_file: pointer hdf5 file object. The opened file containing the tiles to stitch. contig_tuples: list List of tuples. Each tuple is a tile pair. Tuples contain two tile indexes denoting these tiles are contingent to each other. contig_ind: int The index of the current tile pair in contig_tuples. More precisely: the index of the tuple in contig_tuples containing the indexes of the tiles that should be aligned. micData: object MicroscopeData object. Should contain coordinates of the tile corners as taken from the microscope. These coordinates are used to dtermine the overlap between a tile pair. nr_peaks: int The n highest peaks from the PCM matrix that will be used to do crosscovariance with. A good number for 2D analysis is 8 peaks and good numbers for 3D with method ='compress pic' are 6 or 9 peaks. nr_dim: int If 3, the code will assume three dimensional data for the tile, where z is the first dimension and y and x the second and third. For any other value 2-dimensional data is assumed. (default: 2) nr_slices: int Only applicable when running with 3D pictures and using 'compres pic' method. Determines the number of slices that are compressed together (compression in the z-direction). If None, all the slices are compressed together. Default: None Returns: -------- best_trans: np.array 1 by 2 or 3 array containing best found (z), y and x translation. best_cov: float The covariance of the overlap after translation of the overlap by best_trans. contig_ind: int The index of the used tile pair in contig_tuples. This is necessary to return when running on multiple processors/cores. More precisely: the index of the tuple in contig_tuples containing the indexes of the tiles that should be aligned. """ # Rename tile indexes ind1 = min(contig_tuples[contig_ind]) ind2 = max(contig_tuples[contig_ind])"Calculating pairwise alignment for indexes: {} and {}" .format(ind1, ind2)) if nr_dim == 3: tile_1 = inout.load_tile_3D(tiles[ind1], tile_file) tile_2 = inout.load_tile_3D(tiles[ind2], tile_file) else: tile_1 = inout.load_tile(tiles[ind1], tile_file) tile_2 = inout.load_tile(tiles[ind2], tile_file) if (tile_1.size and tile_2.size): # Determine overlap overlap1, overlap2, plot_order = determine_overlap(ind1, ind2, tile_1, tile_2, micData) logger.debug("Shape of overlap 1 and 2: {} {}" .format(overlap1.shape, overlap2.shape)) if nr_dim == 3 and method == 'compress pic': if nr_slices is None: nr_slices = overlap1.shape[0] best_trans, best_cov = align_single_compress_pic(overlap1, overlap2, nr_peaks, nr_dim, nr_slices, plot_order) else: unr_pos_transistions = calculate_pos_shifts( overlap1, overlap2, nr_peaks, nr_dim) logger.debug("Possible transistions: {}". format(unr_pos_transistions)) # Do correlation over the found shifts: best_trans, best_cov = find_best_trans(unr_pos_transistions, overlap1, overlap2, plot_order) # Give some feedback"Best shift: {} covariance: {}".format(best_trans, best_cov)) logger.debug( "Best shift type: {} {} covariance type: {} contig_ind type: {}" .format(type(best_trans), type(best_trans[0]), type(best_cov), type(contig_ind))) else: # One of the tiles is empty best_trans = np.zeros(nr_dim, dtype=int) best_cov = np.nan "Best shift: {}. One of the neighbours is empty".format( best_trans)) return np.array(best_trans,dtype='int16'), best_cov, contig_ind
[docs]def refine_single_pair(tiles, tile_file, contig_tuples, contig_ind, micData, old_P, nr_peaks, nr_dim=2, nr_slices=None): """Determine the ideal alignment between two neighbouring tiles. Uses an old alignment as starting point. Meant to use on smFISH signal data, where the old alignment is taken from the aligning of the nuclei staining. Parameters: ----------- tiles: list List of strings. List of references to the the tiles in the hdf5 file tile_file. tile_file: pointer hdf5 file object. The opened file containing the tiles to stitch. contig_tuples: list List of tuples. Each tuple is a tile pair. Tuples contain two tile indexes denoting these tiles are contingent to each other. contig_ind: int The index of the current tile pair in contig_tuples. More precisely: the index of the tuple in contig_tuples containing the indexes of the tiles that should be aligned. micData: object MicroscopeData object. Should contain coordinates of the tile corners as taken from the microscope. These coordinates are used to dtermine the overlap between a tile pair. old_P: dict An old pairwise alignment containing a key 'P' containing a flattened list of 2D or 3D pairwise translations. And containing a key 'covs' containing the normalized cross covariance for each alignment. nr_peaks: int The n highest peaks from the PCM matrix that will be used to do crosscovariance with. A good number for 2D analysis is 8 peaks and good numbers for 3D with method ='compress pic' are 6 or 9 peaks. nr_dim: int If 3, the code will assume three dimensional data for the tile, where z is the first dimension and y and x the second and third. For any other value 2-dimensional data is assumed. (default: 2) nr_slices: int Only applicable when running with 3D pictures and using 'compres pic' method. Determines the number of slices that are compressed together (compression in the z-direction). If None, all the slices are compressed together. Default: None Returns: -------- best_trans: np.array 1 by 2 or 3 array containing best found (z), y and x translation. best_cov: float The covariance of the overlap after translation of the overlap by best_trans. contig_ind: int The index of the used tile pair in contig_tuples. This is necessary to return when running on multiple processors/cores. More precisely: the index of the tuple in contig_tuples containing the indexes of the tiles that should be aligned. """ # Rename the indexes of the 2 images to compare: ind1 = min(contig_tuples[contig_ind]) ind2 = max(contig_tuples[contig_ind])"Calculating pairwise alignment for indexes: {} and {}" .format(ind1, ind2)) if nr_dim == 3: tile_1 = inout.load_tile_3D(tiles[ind1], tile_file) tile_2 = inout.load_tile_3D(tiles[ind2], tile_file) else: tile_1 = inout.load_tile(tiles[ind1], tile_file) tile_2 = inout.load_tile(tiles[ind2], tile_file) if (tile_1.size and tile_2.size): # Determine overlap overlap1, overlap2, plot_order = determine_overlap(ind1, ind2, tile_1, tile_2, micData) # Pick the old translation from te pairwise alignment # array trans = old_P[contig_ind * nr_dim: contig_ind * nr_dim + nr_dim] logger.debug("Cur old trans is: {}".format(trans)) # Determine the overlap translated according to the old # pairwise translation overlap1_ref, overlap2_ref = ph.calc_translated_pics( trans, overlap1, overlap2, round_size=True) # Take just a bright part from this overlap. # TODO: code below may crash when possible transistions # are too big. # cut_out_coord = ph.select_cut_out2(overlap1_ref, overlap2_ref) # overlap1_ref = overlap1_ref[cut_out_coord[0]:(cut_out_coord[0] + 150), # cut_out_coord[1]:(cut_out_coord[1] + 150)] # overlap2_ref = overlap2_ref[cut_out_coord[0]:(cut_out_coord[0] + 150), # cut_out_coord[1]:(cut_out_coord[1] + 150)] logger.debug("Shape of overlap 1 and 2: {} {}" .format(overlap1_ref.shape, overlap2_ref.shape)) if nr_dim == 3 and method == 'compress pic': if nr_slices is None: nr_slices = overlap1.shape()[0] best_trans, best_cov = align_single_compress_pic( overlap1_ref, overlap2_ref, nr_peaks, nr_dim, nr_slices, plot_order) else: # Calculate possible transistions unr_pos_transistions = calculate_pos_shifts(overlap1_ref, overlap2_ref, nr_peaks, nr_dim) # Calculate best xcov of the found shifts: best_trans, best_cov = find_best_trans(unr_pos_transistions, overlap1_ref, overlap2_ref, plot_order) # Give some feedback"Best shift: {} covariance: {}". format(best_trans, best_cov)) else: best_trans = np.zeros(nr_dim, dtype=int) best_cov = np.nan"Best shift: {}. One of the neighbours is empty" .format(best_trans)) return list(best_trans), best_cov, contig_ind
[docs]def align_single_compress_pic(overlap1, overlap2, nr_peaks, nr_dim, nr_slices, plot_order): """Perform the alignment when using the 3D method "compress pic" Parameters: ----------- overlap1: np.array Image that overlaps with overlap2 overlap2: np.array Image that overlaps with overlap1 nr_peaks: int The n highest peaks from the PCM matrix that will be used to do crosscovariance with. A good number for 2D analysis is 8 peaks and good numbers for 3D with method ='compress pic' are 6 or 9 peaks. nr_dim: int If 3, the code will assume three dimensional data for the tile, where z is the first dimension and y and x the second and third. For any other value 2-dimensional data is assumed. (default: 2) nr_slices: int Only applicable when running with 3D pictures and using 'compres pic' method. Determines the number of slices that are compressed together (compression in the z-direction). plot_order: np.array Numpy array, filled with ones. The order in wich subplots should be made if we want to plot overlap1 and 2 Returns: -------- best_trans: np.array 1 by 3 array containing best found z, y and x translation. best_cov: float The covariance of the overlap after translation of the overlap by best_trans. """ # Unraveled possible transistions contains for each substack # a list which contains for each of the 3 dimensions"Calculating pairwise alignment using compress pic " + "method.") best_trans_list = [] best_cov_list = [] unr_pos_transistions = [] counter = 0 # Change number of peaks, because we are dealing with 3 dimensions nr_peaks = int(np.rint(nr_peaks / 3)) logger.debug("nr_peaks data type: {}".format(type(nr_peaks))) while counter < overlap1.shape[0]: com_overlap1 = [] com_overlap2 = [] for i in range(overlap1.ndim): com_overlap1.append( np.amax(overlap1[counter:counter + nr_slices, :, :] , axis=i)) com_overlap2.append( np.amax(overlap2[counter:counter + nr_slices, :, :] , axis=i)) # plt.figure('compressed image') # plt.imshow(com_overlap1[-1]) # unr_pos_transistions.append(calculate_pos_shifts( com_overlap1, com_overlap2, nr_peaks, nr_dim)) counter += nr_slices # Do correlation over the found shifts: best_compr_trans = np.zeros((len(unr_pos_transistions[-1]), 2), dtype=int) best_compr_cov = np.zeros(len(unr_pos_transistions[-1])) # Test all transistions for com_dim in range(len(unr_pos_transistions[-1])): best_compr_trans[com_dim], best_compr_cov[ com_dim] = find_best_trans( unr_pos_transistions[-1][com_dim], com_overlap1[com_dim], com_overlap2[com_dim], plot_order) logger.debug('best_compr_trans: {}' .format(best_compr_trans)) # Find the best translation based on which translation has the highest covariance # Sort the covariance cov_order = np.argsort(best_compr_cov) logger.debug('cov_order: {}' .format(cov_order)) # The translation in each direction is hidden in the 3 flattened pictures. # The posible z trasistions are at best_compr_trans[1,0] and best_compr_cov[2,0] # The posible y trasistions are at best_compr_trans[0,0] and best_compr_cov[2,1] # The posible x trasistions are at best_compr_trans[0,1] and best_compr_cov[1,1] # Based get the row indexes for the best translation in the z, y and x direction: z_ind = cov_order[max(np.nonzero(cov_order == 1)[0][0], np.nonzero(cov_order == 2)[0][0])] logger.debug('z_ind index in cov_order options: {} {}' .format(np.nonzero(cov_order == 1)[0][0], np.nonzero(cov_order == 2)[0][0])) y_ind = cov_order[max(np.nonzero(cov_order == 0)[0][0], np.nonzero(cov_order == 2)[0][0])] logger.debug('y_ind index in cov_order options: {} {}' .format(np.nonzero(cov_order == 0)[0][0], np.nonzero(cov_order == 2)[0][0])) x_ind = cov_order[max(np.nonzero(cov_order == 0)[0][0], np.nonzero(cov_order == 1)[0][0])] logger.debug('x_ind index in cov_order options: {} {}' .format(np.nonzero(cov_order == 0)[0][0], np.nonzero(cov_order == 1)[0][0])) logger.debug('z_ind, y_ind, x_ind: {} {} {}' .format(z_ind, y_ind, x_ind)) best_trans = np.zeros(3, dtype=int) # Z translation best_trans[0] = best_compr_trans[z_ind, 0] best_cov = best_compr_cov[z_ind] logger.debug('z compr cov: {} best cov overall: {}' .format(best_compr_cov[z_ind], best_cov)) # Y translation if y_ind == 0: best_trans[1] = best_compr_trans[y_ind, 0] best_cov = best_cov + best_compr_cov[y_ind] elif y_ind == 2: best_trans[1] = best_compr_trans[y_ind, 1] best_cov = best_cov + best_compr_cov[y_ind] else: logger.warning( 'y_ind has an invalid value, gonna raise an error') raise IndexError( 'y_ind has an invalid value, it should be 0 or 2, it is currently {}' .format(y_ind)) logger.debug('y compr cov: {} best cov overall: {}' .format(best_compr_cov[y_ind], best_cov)) # X translation best_trans[2] = best_compr_trans[x_ind, 1] best_cov = (best_cov + best_compr_cov[x_ind]) / 3.0 logger.debug('x compr cov: {} best cov overall: {}' .format(best_compr_cov[x_ind], best_cov)) best_trans_list.append(best_trans) best_cov_list.append(best_cov) # Pick the best logger.debug('best_trans_list: {}'.format(best_trans_list)) best_trans = best_trans_list[np.argmax(best_cov_list)] best_cov = np.nanmax(best_cov_list) return best_trans, best_cov
[docs]def determine_overlap(ind1, ind2, tile_1, tile_2, micData): """Determine the overlap between two neighbouring tiles Parameters: ----------- ind1: int Index (flattened) of tile 1 ind2: int Index (flattened) of tile 2 tile_1: np.array Image 1 tile_2: np.array Image 2 micData: object MicroscopeData object containing coordinates Returns: -------- overlap1: np.array Overlapping part of tile_1 overlap2: np.array Overlapping part of tile_2 plot_order: np.array Numpy array of ones. The shape of this array is used for plotting the overlaps in well fitting subplots. """ if abs(ind1 - ind2) == 1: # Overlap on left or right"Calculating overlap: right of tile {0} and " + "left of tile {1}").format(ind1, ind2)) logger.debug( "Ind: {0} , tile nr: {1} , x-coord: {2}" .format(ind1, micData.tile_set.flat[:][ind1], micData.x_coords[micData.tile_set.flat[:][ind1]])) logger.debug( "Ind: {0} , tile nr: {1} , x-coord: {2}" .format(ind2, micData.tile_set.flat[:][ind2], micData.x_coords[micData.tile_set.flat[:][ind2]])) # Calculate overlap indexes overlap_ind_x = int( micData.x_coords[micData.tile_set.flat[:][ind1]] - micData.x_coords[micData.tile_set.flat[:][ind2]]) overlap_ind_y = int( micData.y_coords[micData.tile_set.flat[:][ind1]] - micData.y_coords[micData.tile_set.flat[:][ind2]]) logger.debug("Overlap index, x: {} y: {}". format(overlap_ind_x, overlap_ind_y)) overlap1, overlap2 = ph.get_overlapping_region(tile_1, tile_2, overlap_ind_x, overlap_ind_y, 'left') # For subplotting the overlaps later: plot_order = np.ones((1, 3)) else: # Overlap on top or bottom"Calculating overlap: bottom of tile {0} and " + "top of tile {1}").format(ind1, ind2)) logger.debug( "Ind: {0} , tile nr: {1} , y-coord: {2}" .format(ind1, micData.tile_set.flat[:][ind1], micData.y_coords[micData.tile_set.flat[:][ind1]])) logger.debug( "Ind: {0} , tile nr: {1} , y-coord: {2}" .format(ind2, micData.tile_set.flat[:][ind2], micData.y_coords[micData.tile_set.flat[:][ind2]])) # Calculate overlap indexes overlap_ind_y = int( micData.y_coords[micData.tile_set.flat[:][ind1]] - micData.y_coords[micData.tile_set.flat[:][ind2]]) overlap_ind_x = int( micData.x_coords[micData.tile_set.flat[:][ind1]] - micData.x_coords[micData.tile_set.flat[:][ind2]]) logger.debug("Overlap index, y: {} x: {}". format(overlap_ind_y, overlap_ind_x)) overlap1, overlap2 = ph.get_overlapping_region(tile_1, tile_2, overlap_ind_x, overlap_ind_y, 'top') # For subplotting the overlaps later: plot_order = np.ones((3, 1)) return (overlap1, overlap2, plot_order)
[docs]def calculate_pos_shifts(overlap1, overlap2, nr_peaks, nr_dim): """Calulate possible shifts, given two overlapping images Parameters: ----------- overlap1: np.array Image that overlaps with overlap2. overlap2: np.array Image that overlaps with overlap1. nr_peaks: int The number of peaks from the PCM that will be used to calculate shifts nr_dim: int If 3, the code will assume three dimensional data for the tile, where z is the first dimension and y and x the second and third. For any other value 2-dimensional data is assumed. Returns: -------- unr_pos_transistions: np.array Numpy array or list (list only when method == 'compress pic' and nr_dim == 3 ) Numpy array numpy arrays of int, with each of the inner arrays containing the (z), x and y translation, if nr_dim is not 3 only x and y translation are given. If method == 'compress pic' and nr_dim == 3 a list of 3 lists is returned. In each list the best translations for each compressed picture are given as numpy arrays of length 2. """ # Calculate phase correlation matrix of the overlap if nr_dim == 3:"Calculating posible shifts, method: {}" .format(method)) if method == 'use whole pic': r1 = ph.calculate_PCM(overlap1, overlap2) # inout.plot_3D(r1) elif method == 'calculate per layer': r1 = ph.calculate_PCM_method2(overlap1, overlap2) # inout.plot_3D(r1) elif method == 'compress pic': logger.debug('length compressed overlap list: {}'.format( len(overlap1))) r1_list = [] for i in range(len(overlap1)): r1 = ph.calculate_PCM(overlap1[i], overlap2[i]) r1_list.append(r1) # inout.display_tiles(r1_list, np.ones((1,3))) else:"Calculating posible shifts, in 2D") r1 = ph.calculate_PCM(overlap1, overlap2) # Get the first nr_peaks peaks if method == 'compress pic' and nr_dim == 3: unr_pos_transistions = [[], [], []] collect_zeros = [] for i in range(len(r1_list)): cur_trans = np.argsort(r1_list[i].flat[:])[-nr_peaks:] unr_cur_trans = np.array( np.unravel_index(cur_trans, r1_list[i].shape)).T logger.debug("unr_cur_trans: {}".format(unr_cur_trans)) # Calculate correct transition from the found peaks (calculation as in Skimage) # noinspection PyTypeChecker midpoints = np.array([np.fix(axis_size / 2) for axis_size in overlap1[i].shape]) logger.debug('Midpoints: {}'.format(midpoints)) for trans in unr_cur_trans: logger.debug('trans bigger than midpoints: {}'.format( trans > midpoints)) trans[trans > midpoints] -= np.array(overlap1[i].shape)[ trans > midpoints] trans[trans < (-1 * midpoints)] \ += np.array(overlap1[i].shape)[ trans < (-1 * midpoints)] unr_pos_transistions[i].append(trans) # If trans is not all zeros, multiply transistion1 by -1 # to get the transistions the both ways if trans.any(): unr_pos_transistions[i].append(-1 * trans) # Add zero translation if not already there collect_zeros += [pos for pos in unr_pos_transistions[i] if not (np.any(pos))] logger.debug("Collect_zeros: {}".format(collect_zeros)) if not (len(collect_zeros)): unr_pos_transistions[i].append( np.zeros((len(unr_pos_transistions[i][0])), dtype=int)) logger.debug("Added zero trans to transistion") logger.debug( "Possible transistion after appending zeros: {}" .format(unr_pos_transistions[i])) else: pos_transistions1 = np.argsort(r1.flat[:])[-nr_peaks:] # Unravel the found shifts unr_pos_transistions1 = np.array( np.unravel_index(pos_transistions1, r1.shape)).T logger.debug("pos_trans1: {}".format(unr_pos_transistions1)) if method == 'calculate per layer' and nr_dim == 3: # Calculate correct transition from the found peaks (calculation as in Skimage) logger.debug('Overlap shape for midpoints: {}'.format( overlap1.shape[-2:])) # noinspection PyTypeChecker midpoints = np.array([np.fix(axis_size / 2) for axis_size in overlap1.shape[-2:]]) logger.debug('Midpoints: {}'.format(midpoints)) for trans in unr_pos_transistions1: logger.debug('trans bigger than midpoints: {}'.format( trans[-2:] > midpoints)) trans[-2:][trans[-2:] > midpoints] -= \ np.array(overlap1.shape)[-2:][trans[-2:] > midpoints] trans[-2:][trans[-2:] < (-1 * midpoints)] \ += np.array(overlap1.shape)[-2:][ trans[-2:] < (-1 * midpoints)] else: # Calculate correct transition from the found peaks # (calculation as in Skimage) midpoints = np.array( [np.fix(axis_size / 2) for axis_size in overlap1.shape]) logger.debug('Midpoints: {}'.format(midpoints)) for trans in unr_pos_transistions1: logger.debug('trans bigger than midpoints: {}'.format( trans > midpoints)) trans[trans > midpoints] -= np.array(overlap1.shape)[ trans > midpoints] trans[trans < (-1 * midpoints)] \ += np.array(overlap1.shape)[ trans < (-1 * midpoints)] # Multiply transistion1 by -1 to get the transistions the both # ways inv_transistion = -1 * unr_pos_transistions1 # And remove all zero transistions from the inverted, because # these are duplicates inv_transistion = inv_transistion[ ~np.all(inv_transistion == 0, axis=1)] unr_pos_transistions = np.vstack( (unr_pos_transistions1, inv_transistion)) # Add zero translation if not already there collect_zeros = [pos for pos in unr_pos_transistions if not (np.any(pos))] if not (len(collect_zeros)): unr_pos_transistions = np.append(unr_pos_transistions, np.zeros((1, len( unr_pos_transistions[ 0])), dtype=int), axis=0) logger.debug("Added zero trans to transistion") return unr_pos_transistions
[docs]def find_best_trans(pos_transistions, overlap1, overlap2, plot_order): """Find the best translation using the cross covariance. Shift overlap according to translations and test the cov of the translated overlaps. Parameters: ----------- pos_transistions: np.array 2D numpy array. Array containing y,x-pairs denoting the possible translations. overlap1: np.array Image overlap2: np.array Image that overlaps with overlap1. plot_order: np.array The shape of this array denotes the order in wich subplots should be made if we want to plot overlap1 and 2. Returns: -------- best_trans: np.array 1 by 2 or 3 array containing best found (z), y and x translation. best_cov: float The covariance of the overlap after translation of the overlap by best_trans. """ # Init best_trans and best_cov # This makes sure that if all correlations are below threshold, # we get no translation."Finding best translation.") best_trans = np.zeros(overlap1.ndim, dtype=int) # np.array([0,0]) best_cov = 0.0 logger.debug('best_trans at start {}, type: {}'.format(best_trans, type(best_trans))) for trans in pos_transistions: if method == 'calculate per layer' and overlap1.ndim == 3: shifted_a, shifted_b = ph.calc_translated_pics_3D( trans[-2:], overlap1, overlap2) elif method == 'use whole pic' and overlap1.ndim == 3: shifted_a, shifted_b = ph.calc_translated_pics_3D(trans[-2:], overlap1, overlap2) else: shifted_a, shifted_b = ph.calc_translated_pics(trans, overlap1, overlap2) # Calculate xcov: if shifted_a.ndim == 2: cov, monocolor = ph.xcov_nd(shifted_a, shifted_b) logger.debug('Found a 2D picture to compare') else: cov_list = [] monocolor_list = [] for i in range(shifted_a.shape[0]): cov, monocolor = ph.xcov_nd(shifted_a[i, :, :], shifted_b[i, :, :]) cov_list.append(cov) monocolor_list.append(monocolor) cov_list = np.array(cov_list) monocolor_list = np.array(monocolor_list) cov = np.mean(cov_list) monocolor = monocolor_list.all() logger.debug("cov {} monocolor {}".format(cov, monocolor)) # Check for monocolor images, they do not provide usefull cov if monocolor: logger.debug( "Monocolor image found, covariance for these images is zero") cov = 0 if (cov > best_cov): best_cov = cov best_trans = trans # Give some feedback # inout.display_tiles([shifted_a, shifted_b], plot_order, fig_nr = 8, block = True) # Check the result thr = 0.5 if best_cov < thr: best_trans = np.zeros(overlap1.ndim, dtype=int) # Line to call display overlap if we want to plot the overlap with the # best covariance if overlap1.ndim == 2: ph.display_overlap(overlap1, overlap2, best_trans[-2:], best_cov, plot_order) else: ph.display_overlap(overlap1[0, :, :], overlap2[0, :, :], best_trans[-2:], best_cov, plot_order) logger.debug('best_trans at end {}, type: {}'.format(best_trans, type( best_trans))) return best_trans, best_cov
[docs]def plot_overlaps(alignment, tiles, contig_tuples, micData): """Plot the pairwise overlaps Parameters: ----------- alignment: dict Dictionary containing key 'P' with a flattened list of translations. tiles: list List of strings. Each string points to a tile in the hdf5 file. contig_tuples: list List of tuples denoting which tiles are contingent to each other. micData: object MicroscopeData object containing coordinates. Notes: ------ Should be tested and made to work in 3D ?_? """"Trying to plot overlaps, plot will only show when " + "display_overlap in is True and " + "matplotlib is imported in") for i in range(len(contig_tuples)): # Pick 2 images to compare: ind1 = min(contig_tuples[i]) ind2 = max(contig_tuples[i]) logger.debug("Current indexes: {}, {}".format(ind1, ind2)) if (tiles[ind1].any() and tiles[ind2].any()): # Determine overlap overlap1, overlap2, plot_order = determine_overlap( ind1, ind2, tiles, micData, None) trans = alignment['P'][i * 2: i * 2 + 2] logger.debug("Cur trans to be checked: {}".format(trans)) ph.display_overlap(overlap1, overlap2, trans, None, plot_order)
[docs]def align_single_pair_npy(contig_tuple,filtered_files_list,micData, nr_peaks=8): """ Determine the ideal alignment between two neighbouring tiles It is a modification of the align_single_pair function that will run in parallel using .npy image arrays. The functions runs only in 2D. Parameters: ----------- contig_tuple: tuple Tuple containing two tile indexes denoting these tiles are contingent to each other. filtered_files_list: list List containing the paths to the files to porocess micData: object MicroscopeData object. Should contain coordinates of the tile corners as taken from the microscope. These coordinates are used to dtermine the overlap between a tile pair. nr_peaks: int The n highest peaks from the PCM matrix that will be used to do crosscovariance with. A good number for 2D analysis is 8 peaks and good numbers for 3D with method ='compress pic' are 6 or 9 peaks. Returns: -------- best_trans: np.array 1 by 2 or 3 array containing best found (z), y and x translation. best_cov: float The covariance of the overlap after translation of the overlap by best_trans. contig_ind: int The index of the used tile pair in contig_tuples. This is necessary to return when running on multiple processors/cores. More precisely: the index of the tuple in contig_tuples containing the indexes of the tiles that should be aligned. """ # This function run only for 2D so I can hard code the nr_dim nr_dim = 2 # The contig_tuple contains the indexes derived from the tile_set ind1 = min(contig_tuple) ind2 = max(contig_tuple)"Calculating pairwise alignment for indexes: {} and {}" .format(ind1, ind2)) # Load the images # Identify the tile positioned in the original image set tile_1_pos = micData.tile_set.flat[:][ind1] tile_2_pos = micData.tile_set.flat[:][ind2] tile_1_fpath = [fpath for fpath in filtered_files_list if 'pos_'+str(tile_1_pos)+'.' in fpath] tile_2_fpath = [fpath for fpath in filtered_files_list if 'pos_'+str(tile_2_pos)+'.' in fpath] if tile_1_fpath: tile_1 = np.load(tile_1_fpath[0]) tile_1 =img_as_float(tile_1) else: tile_1 = np.array([],dtype=np.float64) if tile_2_fpath: tile_2 = np.load(tile_2_fpath[0]) tile_1 =img_as_float(tile_1) else: tile_2 = np.array([],dtype=np.float64) if (tile_1.size and tile_2.size): # Determine overlap overlap1, overlap2, plot_order = determine_overlap(ind1, ind2, tile_1, tile_2, micData) logger.debug("Shape of overlap 1 and 2: {} {}" .format(overlap1.shape, overlap2.shape)) unr_pos_transistions = calculate_pos_shifts( overlap1, overlap2, nr_peaks, nr_dim) # Do correlation over the found shifts: best_trans, best_cov = find_best_trans(unr_pos_transistions, overlap1, overlap2, plot_order) # Give some feedback"Best shift: {} covariance: {}".format(best_trans, best_cov)) logger.debug( "Best shift type: {} {} covariance type: {} contig_ind type: {}" .format(type(best_trans), type(best_trans[0]), type(best_cov), type(contig_tuple))) else: # One of the tiles is empty best_trans = np.zeros(nr_dim, dtype=int) best_cov = np.nan "Best shift: {}. One of the neighbours is empty".format( best_trans)) return np.array(best_trans,dtype='int16'), best_cov, contig_tuple