Source code for pysmFISH.stitching_package.stitching

"""Find or apply coordinates to stitch an image

#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#plt_available = True
plt_available = False
import sklearn.feature_extraction.image as sklim
import numpy as np
import skimage.transform as smtf
import h5py
import logging
import time
import os

# Own imports
from . import inout
from . import pairwisesingle as ps
from .MicroscopeData import MicroscopeData
from .GlobalOptimization import GlobalOptimization
from . import tilejoining

from .. import utils

# Logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#################### Initial stitching functions #######################
[docs]def get_pairwise_input(ImageProperties,folder, tile_file, hyb_nr, gene = 'Nuclei', pre_proc_level = 'FilteredData', est_overlap = 0.1, y_flip = False, nr_dim = 2): """Get the information necessary to do the pairwise allignment Find the pairwise pars for an unknown stitching. Works best with a folder containing image with nuclei (DAPI staining) Parameters: ----------- folder: str String representing the path of the folder containing the tile file and the yaml metadata file. Needs a trailing slash ('/'). tile_file: pointer HDF5 file handle. Reference to the opened file containing the tiles. hyb_nr: int The number of the hybridization we are going to stitch. This will be used to navigate tile_file and find the correct tiles. gene: str The name of the gene we are going to stitch. This will be used to navigate tile_file and find the correct tiles. (Default: 'Nuclei') pre_proc_level: str The name of the pre processing group of the tiles we are going to stitch. This will be used to navigate tile_file and find the correct tiles. (Default: 'Filtered') est_overlap: float The fraction of two neighbours that should overlap, this is used to estimate the shape of the tile set and then overwritten by the actual average overlap according to the microscope coordinates. (default: 0.1) y_flip: bool The y_flip variable is designed for the cases where the microscope sequence is inverted in the y-direction. When set to True the y-coordinates will also be inverted before determining the tile set. (Default: False) nr_dim: int If 3, the code will assume three dimensional data for the tile, where z is the first dimension and y and x the second and third. For any other value 2-dimensional data is assumed. (Default: 2) Returns: -------- tiles: list List of references to the the tiles in the hdf5 file tile_file. contig_tuples: list List of tuples. Each tuple is a tile pair. Tuples contain two tile indexes denoting these tiles are contingent to each other. nr_pixels: int Height and length of the tile in pixels, tile is assumed to be square. z_count: int The number of layers in one tile (size of the z-axis). Is 1 when nr_dim is not 3. micData: object MicroscopeData object. Contains coordinates of the tile corners as taken from the microscope. """"Getting files from folder: {}".format(folder)) # Load the information from the metadata file. ExperimentInfos, ImageProperties, HybridizationsInfos, \ Converted_Positions, MicroscopeParameters = \ utils.experimental_metadata_parser(folder) # Get coordinate data for this hybridization coord_data = Converted_Positions['Hybridization' + str(hyb_nr)] # Read the number of pixels, z-count and pixel size from the yaml # file. try: nr_pixels = ImageProperties['HybImageSize']['rows'] except KeyError as err:"Number of pixels not found in experimental " + "metadata file.\nPlease add " + "the number of pixels in an image " + "to the experimental " + "metadata file under ImageProperties " + "--> HybImageSize --> rows.\n" + "KeyError: {}").format(err)) raise if nr_dim == 2: z_count = 1 else: try: z_count = ImageProperties['HybImageSize']['zcount'] except KeyError as err:"Number of pixels not found in experimental " + "metadata file.\nPlease add " + "the number of slices in the z-stack " + "to the experimental " + "metadata file under ImageProperties " + "--> HybImageSize --> zcount.\n" + "KeyError: {}") .format(err)) raise try: pixel_size = ImageProperties['PixelSize'] except KeyError as err:"ImageProperties['PixelSize'] not found in " + "experimental metadata file.\nPlease add the " + "size of a pixel in um in the experimental " + "metadata file under ImageProperties " + "--> PixelSize.\nKeyError: {}").format(err)) raise # Estimate the overlap in pixels with the overlap that the user # provided, default is 10% est_x_tol = nr_pixels * (1 - est_overlap)"Estimating overlap at {}%, that is {} pixels" .format(est_overlap * 100, est_x_tol)) logger.debug("Number of pixels: {}".format(nr_pixels)) logger.debug("Number of slices in z-stack: {}".format(z_count)) # Organize the microscope data and determine tile set micData = MicroscopeData(coord_data, y_flip, nr_dim) micData.normalize_coords(pixel_size) micData.make_tile_set(est_x_tol, nr_pixels = nr_pixels) # Make a list of image numbers, matching with the numbers in the # image files flat_tile_set = micData.tile_set.flat[:] image_list = [micData.tile_nr[ind] if ind >= 0 else -1 for ind in flat_tile_set] image_list =, -1)"Getting references for: {}".format(image_list)) # Make a list of the image names tiles = inout.get_image_names(tile_file, image_list = image_list, hyb_nr = hyb_nr, gene = gene, pre_proc_level = pre_proc_level)"Size tiles: {} Number of pixels: {} z count: {}" .format(len(tiles), nr_pixels, z_count)) # Produce an undirected graph of the tiles, tiles that are # neighbours to each other are connected in this graph. # noinspection PyPep8Naming C = np.asarray(sklim.grid_to_graph(*micData.tile_set.shape).todense()) np.fill_diagonal(C, 0) # noinspection PyPep8Naming C = np.triu( C ) # Extract the neighbour pairs from the graph contig_tuples =list(zip( *np.where( C ) ))"Length contingency tuples: {} \n" + "Contingency tuples: {}") .format(len(contig_tuples), contig_tuples)) # Plotting tiles: #inout.display_tiles(tiles, micData.tile_set, fig_nr = 2, block = False) = True) return (tiles, contig_tuples, nr_pixels, z_count, micData)
[docs]def get_pairwise_alignments(tiles, tile_file, contig_tuples, micData, nr_peaks = 8, nr_slices = None, nr_dim = 2): """Calculate the pairwise transition Calculates pairwise transition for each neighbouring pair of tiles. This functions is only used in the single core version of the code, not when using MPI. Parameters: ----------- tiles: list List of references to the the tiles in the hdf5 file tile_file. tile_file: pointer HDF5 file handle. Reference to the opened file containing the tiles. contig_tuples: list List of tuples. Each tuple is a tile pair. Tuples contain two tile indexes denoting these tiles are contingent to each other. micData: object MicroscopeData object. Containing coordinates of the tile corners as taken from the microscope. nr_peaks: int Number of peaks to be extracted from the PCM (Default: 8) nr_slices: int Only applicable when running with 3D pictures and using 'compres pic' method in Determines the number of slices that are compressed together (compression in the z-direction). If None, all the slices are compressed together. (Default: None) nr_dim: int If 3, the code will assume three dimensional data for the tile, where z is the first dimension and y and x the second and third. For any other value 2-dimensional data is assumed. (default: 2) Returns: -------- : dict Contains key 'P' with a 1D numpy array containing pairwise alignment y and x coordinates (and z-coordinates when applicable) for each neighbouring pair of tiles, array will be 2 * len(contig_typles) for 2D data or 3 * len(contig_typles) for 3D data. Also contains key 'covs' with a 1D numpy array containing covariance for each pairwise alignment in 'P', 'covs' will be len(contig_typles). """"Getting pairwise alignments...") P = np.empty((len(contig_tuples), nr_dim), dtype = int) covs = np.empty(len(contig_tuples)) for i in range(len(contig_tuples)): # noinspection PyPep8Naming P_single, cov, contig_index = ps.align_single_pair(tiles, tile_file, contig_tuples, i, micData, nr_peaks, nr_slices = nr_slices, nr_dim = nr_dim) P[contig_index,:] = P_single covs[contig_index] = cov"Raw P: {}".format(P)) #Flatten P P = np.array(P).flat[:]"flat P: {}".format(P)) return {'P': P, 'covs': covs}
############################# Apply ####################################
[docs]def get_place_tile_input_apply(folder, tile_file, hyb_nr, data_name, gene = 'Nuclei', pre_proc_level = 'Filtered', nr_dim = 2, check_pairwise = False): """Get the data needed to apply stitching to another gene Parameters: ----------- folder: str String representing the path of the folder containing the tile file, the stitching data file the yaml metadata file. Needs a trailing slash ('/'). tile_file: pointer HDF5 file handle. Reference to the opened file containing the tiles. hyb_nr: int The number of the hybridization we are going to stitch. This will be used to navigate tile_file and find the correct tiles. data_name: str Name of the file containing the pickled stitching data. gene: str The name of the gene we are going to stitch. This will be used to navigate tile_file and find the correct tiles. (Default: 'Nuclei') pre_proc_level: str The name of the pre processing group of the tiles we are going to stitch. This will be used to navigate tile_file and find the correct tiles. (Default: 'Filtered') nr_dim: int If 3, the code will assume three dimensional data for the tile, where z is the first dimension and y and x the second and third. For any other value 2-dimensional data is assumed. (Default: 2) check_pairwise: bool If True the contig_tuples array is assumed to be in the pickled data file and will be returned. (Default: False) Returns: -------- joining: dict Taken from the stitching data file. Contains keys corner_list and final_image_shape. Corner_list is a list of list, each list is a pair of an image number (int) and it's coordinates (numpy array containing floats). Final_image_shape is a tuple of size 2 or 3 depending on the numer of dimensions and contains ints. tiles: list List of references to the the tiles in the hdf5 file tile_file. nr_pixels: int Height and length of the tile in pixels, tile is assumed to be square. z_count: int The number of layers in one tile (size of the z-axis). Is 1 when nr_dim is not 3. micData: object MicroscopeData object. Taken from the pickled stitching data. Contains coordinates of the tile corners as taken from the microscope. contig_tuples: list Only returned if check_pairwise == True. list of tuples. Taken from the pickled stitching data. Each tuple is a tile pair. Tuples contain two tile indexes denoting these tiles are contingent to each other. """"Getting data to apply stitching from file...") # Load image list and old joining data stitching_coord_dict = inout.load_stitching_coord(folder + data_name) # noinspection PyPep8Naming micData = stitching_coord_dict['micData'] joining = stitching_coord_dict['joining']"Joining object and image list loaded from file") # Make a list of image numbers flat_tile_set = micData.tile_set.flat[:] image_list = [micData.tile_nr[ind] if ind >= 0 else -1 for ind in flat_tile_set] image_list =, -1)"Tile set size: {}".format(micData.tile_set.shape))"Placing folowing image references in tiles: {}" .format(image_list)) # Make a list of the tile references tiles = inout.get_image_names(tile_file, image_list = image_list, hyb_nr = hyb_nr, gene = gene, pre_proc_level = pre_proc_level) # Load the data from the metadata file ExperimentInfos, ImageProperties, HybridizationsInfos, \ Converted_Positions, MicroscopeParameters = \ utils.experimental_metadata_parser(folder) # Read the number of pixels and z-count from the yaml # file. try: nr_pixels = ImageProperties['HybImageSize']['rows'] except KeyError as err:"Number of pixels not found in experimental " + "metadata file.\nPlease add " + "the number of pixels in an image " + "to the experimental " + "metadata file under ImageProperties " + "--> HybImageSize --> rows.\n" + "KeyError: {}").format(err)) raise if nr_dim == 2: z_count = 1 else: try: z_count = ImageProperties['HybImageSize']['zcount'] except KeyError as err: ("Number of pixels not found in experimental " + "metadata file.\nPlease add " + "the number of slices in the z-stack " + "to the experimental " + "metadata file under ImageProperties " + "--> HybImageSize --> zcount.\n" + "KeyError: {}") .format(err)) raise"Size tiles: {} Number of pixels: {} z count: {}" .format(len( tiles), nr_pixels, z_count)) # Check pairwise overlap in signal if check_pairwise: contig_tuples = stitching_coord_dict['contig_tuples'] "Length contingency tuples: {} Contingency tuples: {}" .format(len(contig_tuples), contig_tuples)) return (joining, tiles, nr_pixels, z_count, micData, contig_tuples) else: return (joining, tiles, nr_pixels, z_count, micData)
############################# Refine ###################################
[docs]def get_refine_pairwise_input(folder, tile_file, hyb_nr, data_name, gene = 'Nuclei', pre_proc_level = 'Filtered', nr_dim = 2): """Get the data needed to refine stitching with another gene Parameters: ----------- folder: str String representing the path of the folder containing the tile file, the stitching data file the yaml metadata file. Needs a trailing slash ('/'). tile_file: pointer HDF5 file handle. Reference to the opened file containing the tiles. hyb_nr: int The number of the hybridization we are going to stitch. This will be used to navigate tile_file and find the correct tiles. data_name: str Name of the file containing the pickled stitching data. gene: str The name of the gene we are going to stitch. This will be used to navigate tile_file and find the correct tiles. (Default: 'Nuclei') pre_proc_level: str The name of the pre processing group of the tiles we are going to stitch. This will be used to navigate tile_file and find the correct tiles. (Default: 'Filtered') nr_dim: int If 3, the code will assume three dimensional data for the tile, where z is the first dimension and y and x the second and third. For any other value 2-dimensional data is assumed. (Default: 2) Returns: -------- tiles: list List of references to the the tiles in the hdf5 file tile_file. contig_tuples: list List of tuples. Each tuple is a tile pair. Tuples contain two tile indexes denoting these tiles are contingent to each other. nr_pixels: int Height and length of the tile in pixels, tile is assumed to be square. z_count: int The number of layers in one tile (size of the z-axis). Is 1 when nr_dim is not 3. micData: object MicroscopeData object. Contains coordinates of the tile corners as taken from the microscope. """"Aplying stitching from file") # Load image list and old joining data stitching_coord_dict = inout.load_stitching_coord(folder + data_name) # noinspection PyPep8Naming micData = stitching_coord_dict['micData']"Joining object and image list loaded from file") flat_tile_set = micData.tile_set.flat[:] image_list = [micData.tile_nr[ind] if ind >= 0 else -1 for ind in flat_tile_set] image_list =, -1)"Tile set size: {}".format(micData.tile_set.shape))"Loading images: {}".format(image_list)) # Make a list of the image names tiles = inout.get_image_names(tile_file, image_list = image_list, hyb_nr = hyb_nr, gene = gene, pre_proc_level = pre_proc_level) contig_tuples = stitching_coord_dict['contig_tuples'] alignment_old = stitching_coord_dict['alignment']['P'] # Load the data from the metadata file ExperimentInfos, ImageProperties, HybridizationsInfos, \ Converted_Positions, MicroscopeParameters = \ utils.experimental_metadata_parser(folder) # Read the number of pixels and z-count from the yaml # file. try: nr_pixels = ImageProperties['HybImageSize']['rows'] except KeyError as err:"Number of pixels not found in experimental " + "metadata file.\nPlease add " + "the number of pixels in an image " + "to the experimental " + "metadata file under ImageProperties " + "--> HybImageSize --> rows.\n" + "KeyError: {}").format(err)) raise if nr_dim == 2: z_count = 1 else: try: z_count = ImageProperties['HybImageSize']['zcount'] except KeyError as err: ("Number of pixels not found in experimental " + "metadata file.\nPlease add " + "the number of slices in the z-stack " + "to the experimental " + "metadata file under ImageProperties " + "--> HybImageSize --> zcount.\n" + "KeyError: {}") .format(err)) raise # Recalculate C C = sklim.grid_to_graph(*micData.tile_set.shape).todense() np.fill_diagonal(C,0) C = np.triu( C ) return (tiles, contig_tuples, nr_pixels, z_count, micData, C, alignment_old)
[docs]def refine_pairwise_alignments(tiles, tile_file, contig_tuples, alignment_old, micData = None, nr_peaks = 8, nr_dim = 2): """Calculate the pairwise transition Calculates pairwise transition for each neighbouring pair of tiles. Parameters: ----------- tiles: np.array Array of tiles, a tile should be a 2d np.array representing a picture contig_tuples: list List of tuples denoting which tiles are contingent to each other. micData: object MicroscopeData object containing coordinates (default None) nr_peaks: int nr of peaks to be extracted from the PCM (default 8) nr_dim: int If 3, the code will assume three dimensional data for the tile, where z is the first dimension and y and x the second and third. For any other value 2-dimensional data is assumed. (default: 2) Returns: -------- : dict Contains key 'P' with a 1D numpy array containing pairwise alignment y and x coordinates (and z-coordinates when applicable) for each neighbouring pair of tiles, array will be 2 * len(contig_typles) for 2D data or 3 * len(contig_typles) for 3D data. Also contains key 'covs' with a 1D numpy array containing covariance for each pairwise alignment in 'P', 'covs' will be len(contig_typles). """ # Make a new P and cov list for the refine pairwise alignments P_ref = np.empty((len(contig_tuples), nr_dim), dtype = int) covs_ref = np.empty(len(contig_tuples)) for i in range(len(contig_tuples)): P_single, cov, contig_index = ps.refine_single_pair(tiles, tile_file, contig_tuples, i, micData, alignment_old['P'], nr_peaks, nr_dim = nr_dim) P_ref[contig_index,:] = P_single covs_ref[contig_index] = cov"Raw P: {}".format(P_ref)) # Flatten P P_ref = np.array(P_ref).flat[:]"flat P: {}".format(P_ref)) return {'P': P_ref, 'covs': covs_ref}
######################### General functions ############################
[docs]def get_place_tile_input(folder, tiles, contig_tuples, micData, nr_pixels, z_count, alignment, data_name, nr_dim = 2, save_alignment = True): """Do the global alignment and get the shifted corner coordinates. Calculates a shift in global coordinates for each tile (global alignment) and then applies these shifts to the corner coordinates of each tile and returns and saves these shifted corner coordinates. This function produces a file with stitching data in folder called data_name, this file includes the corner coordinates which can be used to apply the stitching to another gene. Parameters: ----------- folder: str String representing the path of the folder containing the tile file and the yaml metadata file. Needs a trailing slash ('/'). tiles: list List of strings. List of references to the the tiles in the hdf5 file tile_file. contig_tuples: list List of tuples. Each tuple is a tile pair. Tuples contain two tile indexes denoting these tiles are contingent to each other. micData: object MicroscopeData object. Contains coordinates of the tile corners as taken from the microscope. nr_pixels: int Height and length of the tile in pixels, tile is assumed to be square. z_count: int The number of layers in one tile (size of the z-axis). Is 1 when nr_dim is not 3. alignment: dict Contains key 'P' with a 1D numpy array containing pairwise alignment y and x coordinates (and z-coordinates when applicable) for each neighbouring pair of tiles, array will be 2 * len(contig_typles) for 2D data or 3 * len(contig_typles) for 3D data. Also contains key 'covs' with a 1D numpy array containing covariance for each pairwise alignment in 'P', 'covs' will be len(contig_typles). data_name: str Name of the file containing the pickled stitching data. nr_dim: int If 3, the code will assume three dimensional data for the tile, where z is the first dimension and y and x the second and third. For any other value 2-dimensional data is assumed. (default: 2) save_alignment: bool When False only the stitching coordinates and microscope data will be saved. When True also the contigency tuples and pairwise alignment will be saved (this is necessary if we want to refine the stitching later). (Default: True) Returns: -------- joining: dict Contains keys corner_list and final_image_shape. Corner_list is a list of list, each list is a pair of a tile index (int) and it's tile's shifted coordinates in the final image (numpy array containing floats). Final_image_shape is a tuple of size 2 or 3 depending on the numer of dimensions and contains ints. """ # Perform global optimization logger.debug("Initializing global optimization") optimization = GlobalOptimization() logger.debug("Starting optimization, micData") optimization.performOptimization(micData.tile_set, contig_tuples, alignment['P'], alignment['covs'], len(tiles), nr_dim) # Stitch everything back together # Determine global corners joining = tilejoining.calc_corners_coord(tiles, optimization.global_trans, micData, nr_pixels, z_count) # Save the data to do the stitching in "data_name": if joining: if save_alignment: inout.save_to_file(folder + data_name, joining = joining, contig_tuples = contig_tuples, alignment = alignment, micData = micData) else: inout.save_to_file(folder + data_name, micData = micData, joining = joining) else: logger.warning("No results found to save: joining is empty") return joining
[docs]def assess_performance(micData, alignment, joining, cov_signal, xcov_list, folder, use_IJ_corners = False): """Assess the performance of the stitching This functions writes its the result to a file in "folder". Parameters: ----------- micData: object MicroscopeData object. Contains coordinates of the tile corners as taken from the microscope and contains the tile set. alignment: dict Contains key 'P' with a 1D numpy array containing pairwise alignment y and x coordinates (and z-coordinates when applicable) for each neighbouring pair of tiles, array will be 2 * len(contig_typles) for 2D data or 3 * len(contig_typles) for 3D data. Also contains key 'covs' with a 1D numpy array containing covariance for each pairwise alignment in 'P', 'covs' will be len(contig_typles). joining: dict Contains keys corner_list and final_image_shape. Corner_list is a list of list, each list is a pair of a tile index (int) and it's tile's shifted coordinates in the final image (numpy array containing floats). Final_image_shape is a tuple of size 2 or 3 depending on the numer of dimensions and contains ints. cov_signal: np.array The covariance of each neighbouring tile pair in the part of the tiles that overlap in the final stitched signal image. xcov_list: list List of cross covariance of the overlap of the tiles in the final stitched image. As returned by tilejoining.assess_overlap. folder: str String representing a path. The folder where the performance report should be saved. Needs a trailing slash ('/'). use_IJ_corners: bool If True compare our corners to Image J found in a file in folder, the file name should contain: TileConfiguration. """ ################################Gather data######################### report_string = "" if use_IJ_corners: compare_corners = inout.read_IJ_corners(folder) # Make a list of image numbers, matching with the numbers in the # image files flat_tile_set = micData.tile_set.flat[:] image_list = [micData.tile_nr[ind] if ind >= 0 else -1 for ind in flat_tile_set] image_list =, -1) # Compare our corners to the corner the ImageJ plugin found # Select the tiles we actually used: compare_corners_new = [[item[0], np.array([item[1][1], item[1][0]])] for item in compare_corners if item[0] in image_list] # Replace the indexes with numbering of the images: logger.debug('My corners {}'.format(joining['corner_list'])) my_corners_new = [[image_list[i], item[1]] for i, item in enumerate(joining['corner_list'])] logger.debug('My corners new {}'.format(my_corners_new)) logger.debug('Compare corners new {}'.format(compare_corners_new)) # Normalize, to make the first one the origin and compare compare_origin = compare_corners_new[0][1] my_origin = my_corners_new[0][1] logger.debug("origins: {}, {}".format(compare_origin, my_origin)) cum_diff = np.zeros((1,2)) for i in range(len(my_corners_new)): my_cur = (my_corners_new[i][1] - my_origin) compare_cur = (compare_corners_new[i][1] - compare_origin) diff = abs(my_cur - compare_cur) cum_diff += diff report_string += ("My tile: {}, {}, compare tile: {}, {}; difference: {}\n" .format(my_corners_new[i][0], my_cur, compare_corners_new[i][0], compare_cur, diff)) report_string += "\nAverage: {}\n".format(cum_diff / len(my_corners_new)) # Calculate average cross covariances of the overlaps in the final image: if xcov_list is not None: av_xcov = np.mean(xcov_list) else:'No cross covariance data available') av_xcov = None report_string += "\nAverage cross covariance of final overlap: {}\n".format(av_xcov) report_string += "Cross covariance list of final overlap: {}\n".format(xcov_list) #logger.debug(report_string) ###################### Save the performance data ################### perf_path = folder + 'performance/' # To print the logging to a file try: os.stat(perf_path) except: os.mkdir(perf_path) os.chmod(perf_path,0o777) dateTag = time.strftime("%y%m%d_%H_%M_%S") with open(perf_path + dateTag + '-performance' + '.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(report_string) if micData is not None: # If available print the alignment results: f.write(("\nTile set: \n{} \n" "Tile numbers: {}\n") .format(micData.tile_set, micData.tile_nr)) if alignment is not None: # If available print the alignment results: f.write(("Pairwise Alignment: {}\n" "Covariances: {}\n" "Average covariance: {}\n") .format(alignment['P'], alignment['covs'], np.nanmean(alignment['covs']))) if joining is not None: f.write(("Corners after alignment: \n{}\n") .format(joining['corner_list'])) if cov_signal is not None: f.write(("\nAverage pairwise covariance of the signal: {}\n" "Pairwise covariance of the signal:\n{}\n") .format(np.nanmean(cov_signal), cov_signal)) f.close()
############################# Visualization ############################
[docs]def save_as_tiff(data_file, hyb_nr, gene, location_image, pre_proc_level = 'StitchedImage', mode = 'both'): """Save the results as a tiff image for visual inspection. Parameters: ----------- data_file: pointer HDF5 file handle. HDF5 file containing the final image. gene: str The name of the gene we stitched. This will be used to navigate data_file and find the correct final picture. hyb_nr: int The number of the hybridization we have stitched.This will be used to navigate data_file and find the correct final picture. location_image: str Full path to the file where the tiff file will be saved (extension not necessary). pre_proc_level: str The name of the pre processing group of the tiles we are going to stitch. Normally this will be 'StitchedImage', but when the final image is found in another datagroup it may be changed. This will be used to navigate data_file and find the correct final image. (Default: 'StitchedImage') mode: str Mode determines what color, quality and how many images are saved. Possible values for mode: save_ubyte, save_float, save_rgb. If another or no value is given the image is saved as is and a as a low quality copy (pixel depth 8 bits) (Default: 'both') """ # Save the results: if mode == 'save_ubyte': inout.save_image(data_file, hyb_nr, gene, pre_proc_level, 'final_image_ubyte', location_image + '_byte') elif mode == 'save_float': inout.save_image(data_file, hyb_nr, gene, pre_proc_level, 'final_image', location_image) elif mode == 'save_rgb': inout.save_image(data_file, hyb_nr, gene, pre_proc_level, 'final_image_rgb', location_image + '_rgb') else: inout.save_image(data_file, hyb_nr, gene, pre_proc_level, 'final_image_ubyte', location_image + '_byte') inout.save_image(data_file, hyb_nr, gene, pre_proc_level, 'final_image', location_image)
[docs]def plot_final_image(im_file_name, joining, hyb_nr = 1, gene = 'Nuclei', fig_name = "final image", shrink_image = False, block = True): """Displays the high quality final image in a plot window. Takes a lot of working memory for full sized images. When plt_available is false this function does nothing and returns None. Parameters: ----------- im_file_name: str Filename of the hdf5 file, containing the final image. fig_name: str Name of the plotting window (default: "final image"). shrink_image: bool Turn on shrink_image to reduce display quality and memory usage. (Default: False) block: bool Plot blocks the running program untill the plotting window is closed if true. Turn off block to make the code continue untill the next call of before displaying the image. (default: True) """ if plt_available: if isinstance(im_file_name, str): # Load the image from file im_file = h5py.File(im_file_name + '_Hybridization' + str(hyb_nr) + '.sf.hdf5', 'r') for_display = im_file['final_image'] else: # Load the image from file for_display = im_file_name[gene] \ ['StitchedImage']['final_image'] # Shrink the image if necessary if shrink_image: display_size = np.array(joining['final_image_shape'], dtype = int)/10 logger.debug("display size pixels: {}".format(display_size)) for_display = smtf.resize(for_display, tuple(display_size)) # Plot the image if for_display.ndim == 3: inout.plot_3D(for_display) else: plt.figure(fig_name) plt.imshow(for_display, 'gray', interpolation = 'none') = False) # Load the image from file if isinstance(im_file_name, str): # Load the image from file im_file = h5py.File(im_file_name + '.hdf5', 'r') for_display = im_file['temp_mask'] else: for_display = im_file_name['Hybridization' + str(hyb_nr)][gene] \ ['StitchedImage']['temp_mask'] # Shrink the image if necessary if shrink_image: display_size = np.array(joining.final_image_shape, dtype=int) / 10 logger.debug("display size pixels: {}".format(display_size)) for_display = smtf.resize(for_display, tuple(display_size)) # Plot the image plt.figure(fig_name + ' mask') plt.imshow(for_display, 'gray', interpolation='none') = block) else: return None
[docs]def get_pairwise_input_npy(image_properties,converted_positions, hybridization, est_overlap, y_flip = False, nr_dim = 2): """Get the information necessary to do the pairwise allignment Modified version of the get_pairwise_input functions that work on .npy files and not on hdf5 Find the pairwise pairs for an unknown stitching. Parameters: ----------- image_properties: dict Dictionary with the image details parsed from the Experimental_metadata.yaml file converted_positions: dict Dictionary with the coords of the images for all hybridization The coords are a list of floats hybridization: str Hybridization that will be processed (Ex. Hybridization2) est_overlap: float The fraction of two neighbours that should overlap, this is used to estimate the shape of the tile set and then overwritten by the actual average overlap according to the microscope coordinates. (default: 0.1) y_flip: bool The y_flip variable is designed for the cases where the microscope sequence is inverted in the y-direction. When set to True the y-coordinates will also be inverted before determining the tile set. (Default: False) nr_dim: int If 3, the code will assume three dimensional data for the tile, where z is the first dimension and y and x the second and third. For any other value 2-dimensional data is assumed. (Default: 2) Returns: -------- tiles: np.array Array of int with the tiles number. -1 indicate an empty tile contig_tuples: list List of tuples. Each tuple is a tile pair. Tuples contain two tile indexes denoting these tiles are contingent to each other. nr_pixels: int Height and length of the tile in pixels, tile is assumed to be square. z_count: int The number of layers in one tile (size of the z-axis). Is 1 when nr_dim is not 3. micData: object MicroscopeData object. Contains coordinates of the tile corners as taken from the microscope. """ # Get coordinate data for this hybridization coord_data = converted_positions[hybridization] # Read the number of pixels, z-count and pixel size from the yaml # file. try: nr_pixels = image_properties['HybImageSize']['rows'] except KeyError as err:"Number of pixels not found in experimental " + "metadata file.\nPlease add " + "the number of pixels in an image " + "to the experimental " + "metadata file under ImageProperties " + "--> HybImageSize --> rows.\n" + "KeyError: {}").format(err)) raise if nr_dim == 2: z_count = 1 else: try: z_count = image_properties['HybImageSize']['zcount'] except KeyError as err:"Number of pixels not found in experimental " + "metadata file.\nPlease add " + "the number of slices in the z-stack " + "to the experimental " + "metadata file under ImageProperties " + "--> HybImageSize --> zcount.\n" + "KeyError: {}") .format(err)) raise try: pixel_size = image_properties['PixelSize'] except KeyError as err:"ImageProperties['PixelSize'] not found in " + "experimental metadata file.\nPlease add the " + "size of a pixel in um in the experimental " + "metadata file under ImageProperties " + "--> PixelSize.\nKeyError: {}").format(err)) raise # Estimate the overlap in pixels with the overlap that the user # provided, default is 10% est_x_tol = nr_pixels * (1 - est_overlap)"Estimating overlap at {}%, that is {} pixels" .format(est_overlap * 100, est_x_tol)) logger.debug("Number of pixels: {}".format(nr_pixels)) logger.debug("Number of slices in z-stack: {}".format(z_count)) # Organize the microscope data and determine tile set micData = MicroscopeData(coord_data, y_flip, nr_dim) micData.normalize_coords(pixel_size) micData.make_tile_set(est_x_tol, nr_pixels = nr_pixels) # Make a list of image numbers, matching with the numbers in the # image files flat_tile_set = micData.tile_set.flat[:] image_list = [micData.tile_nr[ind] if ind >= 0 else -1 for ind in flat_tile_set] image_list =, -1)"Getting references for: {}".format(image_list)) # Make a list of the image names (-1 is a missing tile) tiles = # Produce an undirected graph of the tiles, tiles that are # neighbours to each other are connected in this graph. # noinspection PyPep8Naming C = np.asarray(sklim.grid_to_graph(*micData.tile_set.shape).todense()) np.fill_diagonal(C, 0) # noinspection PyPep8Naming C = np.triu( C ) # Extract the neighbour pairs from the graph contig_tuples =list(zip( *np.where( C ) ))"Length contingency tuples: {} \n" + "Contingency tuples: {}") .format(len(contig_tuples), contig_tuples)) return(tiles, contig_tuples, nr_pixels, z_count, micData)
[docs]def get_place_tile_input_apply_npy(hyb_dir,stitched_reference_files_dir,data_name,image_properties,nr_dim=2): """ Modified version of the get_place_tile_input_apply Get the data needed to apply stitching to another gene Parameters: ----------- hyb_dir: str String representing the path of the folder containing the tile file, the stitching data file the yaml metadata file. stitched_reference_files_dir: str String representing the path of the folder containing the registered data. data_name: str Name of the file containing the pickled stitching data. image_properties: dict Dictionary with the image details parsed from the Experimental_metadata.yaml file nr_dim: int If 3, the code will assume three dimensional data for the tile, where z is the first dimension and y and x the second and third. For any other value 2-dimensional data is assumed. (Default: 2) Returns: -------- joining: dict Taken from the stitching data file. Contains keys corner_list and final_image_shape. Corner_list is a list of list, each list is a pair of an image number (int) and it's coordinates (numpy array containing floats). Final_image_shape is a tuple of size 2 or 3 depending on the numer of dimensions and contains ints. tiles: list List of strings. List of references to the the tiles in the hdf5 file tile_file. nr_pixels: int Height and length of the tile in pixels, tile is assumed to be square. z_count: int The number of layers in one tile (size of the z-axis). Is 1 when nr_dim is not 3. micData: object MicroscopeData object. Taken from the pickled stitching data. Contains coordinates of the tile corners as taken from the microscope. """"Getting data to apply stitching from file...") # Load image list and old joining data stitching_coord_dict = inout.load_stitching_coord(stitched_reference_files_dir + data_name) # noinspection PyPep8Naming micData = stitching_coord_dict['micData'] joining = stitching_coord_dict['joining']"Joining object and image list loaded from file") # Make a list of image numbers flat_tile_set = micData.tile_set.flat[:] image_list = [micData.tile_nr[ind] if ind >= 0 else -1 for ind in flat_tile_set] image_list =, -1)"Tile set size: {}".format(micData.tile_set.shape))"Placing folowing image references in tiles: {}" .format(image_list)) # Make a list of the image names (-1 is a missing tile) tiles = # Read the number of pixels and z-count from the yaml # file. try: nr_pixels = image_properties['HybImageSize']['rows'] except KeyError as err:"Number of pixels not found in experimental " + "metadata file.\nPlease add " + "the number of pixels in an image " + "to the experimental " + "metadata file under ImageProperties " + "--> HybImageSize --> rows.\n" + "KeyError: {}").format(err)) raise if nr_dim == 2: z_count = 1 else: try: z_count = image_properties['HybImageSize']['zcount'] except KeyError as err: ("Number of pixels not found in experimental " + "metadata file.\nPlease add " + "the number of slices in the z-stack " + "to the experimental " + "metadata file under ImageProperties " + "--> HybImageSize --> zcount.\n" + "KeyError: {}") .format(err)) raise"Size tiles: {} Number of pixels: {} z count: {}" .format(len( tiles), nr_pixels, z_count)) return (joining, tiles, nr_pixels, z_count, micData)