Source code for pysmFISH.stitching_package.tilejoining

import numpy as np
import skimage.util as smutil
import skimage.exposure as smex
from skimage import img_as_float, img_as_uint
import glob

# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
# plt_available = True

plt_available = False
import logging
import warnings

from . import inout
from . import pairwisehelper as ph

"""Calculates the global corners, given the translations
for each tile. Also has functions to blend and stitch individual
images together in one large image, using the global corners.

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#################Functions to calculate global corners##############
[docs]def calc_corners_coord(tiles, transforms, md, nr_pixels, z_count): """Calculate global corner for each tile using coordinates. Calculates global corner for each tile using transforms and the microscope coordinates. Parameters: ----------- tiles: list List of hdf5-references, references to the images in tile_file, with a reference for each tile. Here only used to check the length. If a tile does not have an associated image, its reference is None. transforms: np.array 2d np array of size "number of tiles" by 2 representing the y and x transform for each tile. md: object MicroscopeData object containing the tile set (to know the positioning of the tiles) and the y and x coordinates for each tile as documented by the microscope. nr_pixels: int Height and length of the tile in pixels, tile is assumed to be square. z_count: int The number of layers in one tile (size of the z axis). Should be 1 or None if the tile is 2D. Returns: -------- : dict Dictionary containing keys corner_list and final_image_shape. Corner_list is a list of list, each list is a pair of an image number (int) and it's coordinates (numpy array containing floats). Final_image_shape is a tuple of size 2 or 3 depending on the number of dimensions and contains ints. """ #Initialize the logger and arrays:"Filling corner list.") max_final_img = np.zeros((2), dtype = float) min_final_img = np.zeros((2), dtype = float) tile_inds = range(len(tiles)) temp_corner_list = [] #Get the masked array, used for checking for missing tiles masked_array =[:]) logger.debug("masked_array: {}".format(masked_array)) #Loop over the tiles in square order: for tile_ind in tile_inds: #Find out which image number belongs to the current tiles ind_coord = md.tile_set.flat[:][tile_ind] #Check if tile is missing tile_missing = masked_array[tile_ind] if not(tile_missing):"Calculating corner for tile index: {} with " + "tile number: {}" .format(ind_coord, tile_ind)) #Get the coordinates of the corner and adjust according #to the transform in transforms cur_corner = np.rint(np.array([md.y_coords[ind_coord], md.x_coords[ind_coord]]) - transforms[tile_ind, -2:]) logger.debug("Current transform, full: {} truncated: {}" .format(transforms[tile_ind], transforms[tile_ind, -2:])) #Adjust the maximum size of the final image if necessary max_final_img = np.maximum(max_final_img, cur_corner) min_final_img = np.minimum(min_final_img, cur_corner) #Append the calculated corner to the temporary corner #list temp_corner_list.append(cur_corner) else: #If the tile we want to place is missing, the corner #will be flagged with np.nan values and added to the list"Tile is missing for tile index: {} with " + "tile number: {}" .format(ind_coord, tile_ind)) cur_corner = [np.nan, np.nan] temp_corner_list.append(cur_corner) #Adjust the temporary corner list according to the minimum of #the final image. #This way we get a new origin at min_final_image. logger.debug("min_final_img: {}".format(min_final_img)) temp_corner_list -= min_final_img #Place the temporary corner list in the global variable corner_list = [[tile_inds[i], temp_corner_list[i]] for i in range(len(tile_inds))] #Adjust the shape of the final image if (z_count is None) or z_count == 1: final_image_shape = tuple((max_final_img - min_final_img + nr_pixels).astype(int)) else: final_image_shape = tuple(np.append([z_count], max_final_img - min_final_img + nr_pixels).astype(int)) #Give some feedback"Corners calculated") logger.debug("Corner_list: {}".format(corner_list))"Final image shape: {}".format(final_image_shape)) return {'corner_list': corner_list, 'final_image_shape': final_image_shape}
[docs]def apply_IJ_corners(tiles, corners, micData, nr_pixels): """Use corners from ImageJ for each tile to detemine corners. Parameters: ----------- tiles: list List of hdf5-references, references to the images in tile_file, with a reference for each tile. Here only used to check the length. If a tile does not have an associated image, its reference is None. corners: list List of list, each list is a pair of an image number (int) and it's coordinates (numpy array containing floats). micData: object MicData object. Used to make an image list: the numbers of the images to be stitches sorted according to the tile indexes. nr_pixels: int Denoting size of the tile. Returns: -------- : dict Same as calc_corners_coord() returns. Dictionary containing keys corner_list and final_image_shape. Corner_list is a list of list, each list is a pair of an image number (int) and it's coordinates (numpy array containing floats). Final_image_shape is a tuple of size 2 or 3 depending on the numer of dimensions and contains ints. """ #Initialize the logger and arrays:"Filling corner list, using ImageJ") corner_list = [] max_final_img = np.zeros((2)) min_final_img = np.zeros((2)) tile_inds = range(len(tiles)) # Make a list of image numbers, matching with the numbers in the # image files flat_tile_set = micData.tile_set.flat[:] image_list = [micData.tile_nr[ind] if ind >= 0 else -1 for ind in flat_tile_set] image_list =, -1) #Loop over the tiles in square order: for tile_ind in tile_inds: #Find out which image number belongs to the current tiles image_nr = image_list[tile_ind] #Find the corner that matches the image number cur_corner = next(item[1] for item in corners if item[0] == image_nr)"Index found (coord, image_nr, tile): {}, {}, {}" .format(cur_corner, image_nr, tile_ind)) #Adjust the maximum size of the final image if necessary max_final_img = np.maximum(max_final_img, cur_corner) min_final_img = np.minimum(min_final_img, cur_corner) corner_list.append([tile_ind, cur_corner]) #TODO: Adjust corner to start at (0,0) logger.debug("min_final_img: {}".format(min_final_img)) final_image_shape = tuple((max_final_img - min_final_img + nr_pixels).astype(int))"Corners determined") logger.debug("Corner_list: {}".format(corner_list))"Final image shape: {}".format(final_image_shape)) return {'corner_list': corner_list, 'final_image_shape': final_image_shape}
########### Functions to join the tiles into to final image ############
[docs]def make_mask(joining, nr_pixels, blending_mask): """Calculate the mask that indicates where tiles overlap. This mask will have the same size a the final image. This function assigns a float (1.0, 2.0, 3.0 or 4.0) to each pixel, indicating if 1, 2, 3 or 4 tiles are going to overlap in this pixel. Parameters: ----------- joining: dict Dictionary containing the corner list (with key: 'corner_list') with the tile indexes and their corresponding corners nr_pixels: int Indicates the size of the tiles blending_mask: pointer Dataset in an hdf5 file containing a 2D numpy array. Array has the size of final image. """"Making blending mask") for i, corner in joining['corner_list']: if not(np.isnan(corner[0])): #Get the right part of mask cur_mask = blending_mask[int(corner[0]):int(corner[0]) + int(nr_pixels), int(corner[1]):int(corner[1]) + int(nr_pixels)] # Place it back, after plus one blending_mask[int(corner[0]):int(corner[0]) + int(nr_pixels), int(corner[1]):int(corner[1]) + int(nr_pixels)] = \ cur_mask + np.ones(cur_mask.shape, dtype=np.float64)
#print(i,corner) #print('intervals:',int(corner[0]),int(corner[0]) + #int(nr_pixels),int(corner[1]),int(corner[1]) + int(nr_pixels))
[docs]def generate_blended_tile(temp_file, im_file, tiles, tile_file, corner_ind_coord, nr_pixels, tile_set, blend, linear_blending, ubyte, nr_dim = 2): """Blend the tile if necessary and then save it temp_file. Parameters: ----------- temp_file: pointer Pointer to hdf5 file withv following groups: tiles, temp_masks, ubytes. Each group contains as many datasets as there are tiles, the datasets are named after the the tile index found in the first element of corner. This function places a blended tile and a corner in data set that matches the tile ind argument. im_file: pointer Pointer to hdf5 file with dataset "blending_mask" which contains a numpy array. blending_mask should be 1 where ther is no overlap and 2, 3 or 4 where the respective number of tiles overlap. Other datasets in this file are: final_image and temp_mask tiles: list List of hdf5-references, references to the images in tile_file, with a reference for each tile. If a tile does not have an associated image, its reference is None. tile_file: pointer hdf5 file object. The opened file containing the tiles to stitch. corner_ind_coord: list Contains two elements, the first one is an int representing the tile index, the second one is a numpy array containing the corner's coordinates. nr_pixels: int Denoting size of the tile. tile_set: np.array Masked numpy array. The shape of the array indicates the shape of the tile set. blend: bool When True blending will be applied, when false no blending at all will be applied. linear_blending: bool When True blending will be linear and when False, blending will be non-linear. ubyte: bool Ubyte image will be saved when True. Only full resolution image will be saved when False. nr_dim: int If 3, the code will assume three dimensional data for the tile, where z is the first dimension and y and x the second and third. For any other value 2-dimensional data is assumed. (default: 2) """ # Get corner i = corner_ind_coord[0] corner = corner_ind_coord[1] # Load tile if nr_dim == 3: cur_tile = inout.load_tile_3D(tiles[i], tile_file) else: cur_tile = inout.load_tile(tiles[i], tile_file) # Check if tile is empty if cur_tile.size:"\nBlending tile: {}".format(i))"Corner position in final image: {}" .format(corner)) #Pick the right region of the image with corner ymin = int(corner[0]) ymax = int(corner[0]) + nr_pixels xmin = int(corner[1]) xmax = int(corner[1]) + nr_pixels logger.debug(" Tile {}, Cur region: {} {} {} {}" .format(i, ymin, ymax, xmin, xmax)) if blend: #Get current mask and region to paste the tile into cur_mask = im_file['blending_mask'][ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] #Blend blended_tile, cur_temp_mask = perform_blending_par_proof(i, cur_mask, cur_tile, linear_blending, tiles, tile_set, nr_pixels) #Save the blended tile and the adjusted mask (mask is just saved for debugging) logger.debug('shape tile in temp file: {}' .format(temp_file['blended_tiles'][str(i)].shape)) logger.debug('shape current tile: {}' .format(blended_tile.shape)) temp_file['blended_tiles'][str(i)][:] = blended_tile temp_file['temp_masks'][str(i)][:] = cur_temp_mask #Place the low resolution region back, if ubyte: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category = UserWarning) temp_file['ubytes'][str(i)][:] = \ smutil.img_as_ubyte(blended_tile)"Blended tile {} placed into temp_group." .format(i)) else: # Place the region back without blending temp_file['blended_tiles'][str(i)][:] = cur_tile #Place the low resolution region back if ubyte: temp_file['ubytes'][str(i)][:] = \ smutil.img_as_ubyte(cur_tile)"Tile {} placed into temp_group without " + "blending.".format(i)) else:"Skipped empty tile, tile: {}".format(i))
[docs]def non_linear_blending(x): """Define sigmoid for non-linear blending The steepness and half value of the curve are hardcoded here and good for a 10% overlap. For other overlaps flexibity in the steepness may be good to implement. (Halfpoint should be the same) Parameters: ----------- x: np.array 1d np-array, used as x values in the sigmoid curve Returns: -------- y : np.array 1d np-array, y values corresponding to x after applying sigmoid function on them """ y = 1 / (1 + np.exp((-20 * (x - 0.5)))) #logger.debug("Non linear blending x {}".format(x)) #logger.debug("Non linear blending y {}".format(y)) #plt.figure("alpha") #plt.plot(x,y,'-*') return y
[docs]def non_linear_blending_corner(x,y): """Calculate blending weights for pixels where four tiles overlap Parameters: ----------- x: np.array 1d numpy array, x and y should be of the same length. The distance from the corner in the x direction for each pixel. y: np.array 1d numpy array, x and y should be of the same length. The distance from the corner in the x direction for each pixel. Returns: -------- : np.array 1d numpy array, same size as x and y. Weight for each pixel. """ return x * y
[docs]def perform_blending_par_proof(tile_ind, cur_mask, cur_tile, linear_blending, tiles, tile_set, nr_pixels): """Blend a tile with the background around it. Each pixel in the overlap gets a weight depending on its distance from the border. Parameters: ----------- tile_ind: int Index of the current tile cur_mask: np.array The mask denoting were in the picture tile have already been placed. A value of 0 means no picture, a value of 1 means that a picture has been placed, a value of 2 means that there is overlap with the current tile. cur_tile: np.array The warped image to be placed.. linear_blending: bool If true perform linear blending, otherwise non-linear blending. tiles: list List of hdf5-references, references to the images in tile_file, with a reference for each tile. Here only used to check if a tile exists, if a tile does not have an associated image, its reference is None. tile_set: np.array np-array representing the shape of the tile set nr_pixels: int Denoting size of the tile. Returns: -------- cur_tile: np.array The blended cur_tile, same type and size as the input argument cur_type. cur_temp_mask: np.array Array like the cur_mask as it was passed to the function, but with the pixels that overlap replaced by their respective weights. This mask can be plotted for debugging. """"Performing blending on tile {}".format(tile_ind)) # Find overlapping indexes in the blending mask. overlapping_inds = np.where(cur_mask > 1.0) logger.debug("overlapping inds: {}".format(overlapping_inds)) logger.debug("size of cur_mask: {}".format(cur_mask.shape)) if overlapping_inds[0].any() or overlapping_inds[1].any(): cur_corner_tl = np.array([0,0]) cur_corner_br = np.array([nr_pixels,nr_pixels]) # Make lists for the 4 borders, with large numbers for borders that should not be used: # Order: [top, left, bottom, right] border_direct = np.ones(4, dtype = int) * 9999 border_indirect = np.ones(4, dtype = int) * 9999 true_int = 0 # Value to use if overlap at a border exists unr_tile_ind = np.unravel_index(tile_ind, tile_set.shape) logger.debug("Checking neighbours of current tile: {}".format(unr_tile_ind)) # Go through the 4 directly neighbouring tiles try: upper_neighbour = (unr_tile_ind[0] - 1, unr_tile_ind[1]) upper_neighbour_ind = np.ravel_multi_index(upper_neighbour, tile_set.shape) if tiles[upper_neighbour_ind] is not None: # There is an upper neighbour border_direct[0] = true_int logger.debug("Direct neighbour top") except ValueError: # There is no upper neighbour pass try: left_neighbour_ind = (unr_tile_ind[0], unr_tile_ind[1] - 1) left_neighbour_ind = np.ravel_multi_index(left_neighbour_ind, tile_set.shape) logger.debug('neighbouring tile on left: {}'.format(tiles[left_neighbour_ind])) if tiles[left_neighbour_ind] is not None: # There is a left neighbour border_direct[1] = true_int except ValueError: pass try: lower_neighbour_ind = (unr_tile_ind[0] + 1, unr_tile_ind[1]) lower_neighbour_ind = np.ravel_multi_index(lower_neighbour_ind, tile_set.shape) if tiles[lower_neighbour_ind] is not None: # There is a lower neighbour border_direct[2] = true_int except ValueError: pass try: right_neighbour_ind = (unr_tile_ind[0], unr_tile_ind[1] + 1) right_neighbour_ind = np.ravel_multi_index(right_neighbour_ind, tile_set.shape) if tiles[right_neighbour_ind] is not None: # There is a right neighbour border_direct[3] = true_int except ValueError: pass # Extra cases for indirect neighbours: try: indirect_neighbour_ind = (unr_tile_ind[0] - 1, unr_tile_ind[1] - 1) indirect_neighbour_ind = np.ravel_multi_index(indirect_neighbour_ind, tile_set.shape) except ValueError: pass else: if tiles[indirect_neighbour_ind] is not None: # There is an indirect neigbour on the top left border_indirect[0] = true_int border_indirect[1] = true_int try: indirect_neighbour_ind = (unr_tile_ind[0] - 1, unr_tile_ind[1] + 1) indirect_neighbour_ind = np.ravel_multi_index(indirect_neighbour_ind, tile_set.shape) except ValueError: pass else: if tiles[indirect_neighbour_ind] is not None: # There is an indirect upper neigbour on the right border_indirect[0] = true_int border_indirect[3] = true_int try: indirect_neighbour_ind = (unr_tile_ind[0] + 1, unr_tile_ind[1] - 1) indirect_neighbour_ind = np.ravel_multi_index(indirect_neighbour_ind, tile_set.shape) except ValueError: pass else: if tiles[indirect_neighbour_ind] is not None: # There is an indirect neigbour on the bottom left border_indirect[2] = true_int border_indirect[1] = true_int try: indirect_neighbour_ind = (unr_tile_ind[0] + 1, unr_tile_ind[1] + 1) indirect_neighbour_ind = np.ravel_multi_index(indirect_neighbour_ind, tile_set.shape) except ValueError: pass else: if tiles[indirect_neighbour_ind] is not None: # There is an indirect neigbour on the bottom right border_indirect[2] = true_int border_indirect[3] = true_int # Take the indirect and direct borders together: border_all = np.minimum(border_direct, border_indirect) logger.debug("Border direct: {}".format(border_direct)) logger.debug("Border indirect: {}".format(border_indirect)) logger.debug("Border all: {}".format(border_all)) # For each pixel in the overlapping pixels calculate the distance from # the border and determine a weight based on the distance # Determine how many tiles overlap in the overlapping pixels overlapping_values = cur_mask[overlapping_inds] # Determine border distance to the top-left border and the bottom-right border: # So that there will be an np array of shape: (nr of pixels, 4), where each row # contains the distance to the corners in this order: [top, left, bottom, right] overlapping_pxls = np.array(overlapping_inds).T border_dist_list_raw = np.hstack((abs(overlapping_pxls - cur_corner_tl), abs(overlapping_pxls - cur_corner_br))) logger.debug("border_dist_list: {}".format(border_dist_list_raw)) logger.debug("border_dist_list shape: {}".format(border_dist_list_raw.shape)) # Take out irrelevant borders, add a large number so thay will not be taken # into account in the later analysis border_dist_list_indirect = border_dist_list_raw + border_indirect border_dist_list_direct = border_dist_list_raw + border_direct border_dist_list = border_dist_list_raw + border_all # Center of the tile center = int(nr_pixels / 2) logger.debug("center: {}".format(center)) # Find all the pixels that have the center dist to one of the borders: # Center pixels will include pixels that form a plus centered # on the center of the tile and are part of an overlapping bit, like so: # _________ # | | | # |__ __| # | | # |____|____| # center_pixel_inds = np.where(border_dist_list_raw == center)[0] logger.debug("center_pixel_inds: {}".format(center_pixel_inds)) if center_pixel_inds.any(): # Find the normalization factor for each border: # Look at the border distance of the pixels in the center center_pixels_dist = border_dist_list_direct[center_pixel_inds, :] # Get only the center pixels distances that belong to each border, # prevents taking distances into account that are to far to belong to # the corresponding border. # Set the pixels that are farther away than the center to 1, # to prevent them from being included in further analysis. center_pixels_dist[center_pixels_dist >= center] = 1 # Find the maximum distance to each border within the center pixels. # This will be used as the maximum distance to the border, within # the overlap that belongs to that border. # (yields array of length 4) max_dist_pixels = np.amax(center_pixels_dist, axis = 0) logger.debug("Max border dist pixels: {}".format(max_dist_pixels)) # Normalize with the found maximum distance for each border: border_dist_list_direct_norm = np.asfarray(border_dist_list_direct) \ / np.asfarray(max_dist_pixels) logger.debug("Closest border for each pixel: {}" .format(np.argmin(border_dist_list_direct_norm, axis = 1))) # Get the normalized distance to the closest border for each pixel. # We now have a 1D array of length nr of pixels, where each entry # represents the normalized distance from the pixel to the border # it belongs to. border_dist_norm = np.nanmin(border_dist_list_direct_norm, axis = 1) logger.debug("border_dist_norm: {}".format(border_dist_norm)) logger.debug("border_dist_norm max, min: {} {}" .format(np.amax(border_dist_norm), np.amin(border_dist_norm))) # Plots to check which pixels belong to which border, # uses closest_border. #closest_border = np.argmin(border_dist_list_direct_norm, axis=1) #cur_temp_mask1 = np.copy(cur_mask) #cur_temp_mask1[:,:] = 4.0 #cur_temp_mask1[overlapping_inds] = np.array(closest_border) #plt.figure("Assigned borders") #plt.imshow(cur_temp_mask1, interpolation = 'none') = False) #cur_temp_mask2 = np.copy(cur_mask) #cur_temp_mask2[overlapping_inds] = np.array(border_dist_norm) #plt.figure("border distance") #plt.imshow(cur_temp_mask2, 'gray', interpolation = 'none') # Plot the mask and blended tile # cur_temp_mask = np.copy(cur_mask) # cur_temp_mask[overlapping_inds] = np.array(border_dist_norm) # plt.figure("Normalized distance linear") # plt.imshow(cur_temp_mask, 'gray', interpolation = 'none') # # Now calculate weights for the blending with direct neighbours if linear_blending: weights = border_dist_norm else: weights = non_linear_blending(border_dist_norm) logger.debug("weights max, min: {} {}" .format(np.amax(weights), np.amin(weights))) # Plot the mask and blended tile # cur_temp_mask = np.copy(cur_mask) # cur_temp_mask[overlapping_inds] = np.array(weights) # plt.figure("Blending without corner blending") # plt.imshow(cur_temp_mask, 'gray', interpolation = 'none') # #~ plt.figure("Blending tile") #~ plt.imshow(cur_tile, 'gray', interpolation = 'none') #~ # Change the weights in the corners: weights = check_corner_blending(weights, border_dist_list, max_dist_pixels, overlapping_values, border_direct, border_indirect, center, linear_blending) else: # We have only a corner overlapping, no sides logger.debug('{} has only a lonely corner and nothing else'.format(tile_ind)) # Set weights to one to give them to check_corner_blending weights = np.ones(len(overlapping_inds[0])) # Blend the corner, with max_value set to two. weights = check_corner_blending(weights, border_dist_list, None, overlapping_values, border_direct, border_indirect, center, linear_blending, max_value = 2) # Converted to float because data where save in uint16 cur_tile=img_as_float(cur_tile) # Apply the weights to the pictures if cur_tile.ndim == 3: for i in range(cur_tile.shape[0]): cur_tile[i][overlapping_inds] *= np.array(weights) #~ plt.figure("Blending tile") #~ plt.imshow(cur_tile[i], 'gray', interpolation = 'none') #~ else: cur_tile[overlapping_inds] *= np.array(weights) # Fill the temporary mask for debugging cur_temp_mask = np.copy(cur_mask) cur_temp_mask[overlapping_inds] = np.array(weights) # Plot the mask and blended tile #~ if tile_ind in [32, 33, 34, 60, 61, 62, 88, 89, 90]: #~ plt.figure("Blending tile") #~ plt.imshow(cur_tile, 'gray', interpolation = 'none') #~ else: # If there is no overlap just return the original tile and # the temporary mask for debugging cur_temp_mask = np.copy(cur_mask) return cur_tile, cur_temp_mask
[docs]def check_corner_blending(weights, border_dist_list, max_dist_pixels, overlapping_values, border_direct, border_indirect, center, linear_blending, max_value = 4): """Function to improve blending of differently overlapping corners. In a corner 2, 3 or 4 tile can overlap. Depending on how many tiles overlap and in wich direction they overlap the weights for a tile are adjusted by this function. Parameters: ----------- weights: np.array 1D numpy array. A weight for each overlapping pixel, as determined by the function perform_blending_par_proof (Weights depend on direct borders, or 1 if there is only a lonely corner) border_dist_list: np.array 2D numpy array of shape: (nr of overlapping pixels, 4). Array containing for each pixel the distance to each of the four borders in this order [top, left, bottom, right], for borders that do not overlap to another tile the distance has been set to 999 or greater. max_dist_pixels: np.array Numpy array of shape: (1, 4). The maximum distance to each of the four borders in this order [top, left, bottom, right], for borders that do not overlap to another tile the max distance will be to 9999 or greater. overlapping_values: np.array 1D numpy array of floats. An float value indicating how many tiles are overlapping for each overlapping pixel. This array has the same size as weights. border_direct: np.array 1 by 4 numpy array. Array indicating for each border if there is a direct overlap. If there is overlap the value is 0, otherwise the value is 9999. border_indirect: np.array 1 by 4 numpy array. Array indicating for each border if there is a indirect overlap. If there is overlap the value is 0, otherwise the value is 9999. center: int The center of th tile, this is the same number in the x and y direction. linear_blending: bool If true perform linear blending, otherwise non-linear blending. max_value: int The maximum value expected in the overlap. Default is 4, this is the overall maximum in the blending mask. When max_value is 2, we assume that the tile only overlaps in one or multiple corners. Because when only a corner of a tile is overlapping and there is no other overlap the maximum is 2. (Default: 4) Returns: -------- weights: np.array 1D numpy array. The array 'weights' that was passed to as an argument, but now adjusted for the corners. """"Performing corner blending...") # Find the corners # Define the borders that belong to each corner corner_defs = [[0,1], [0,3], [2,1],[2,3]] logger.debug("Border_dist_list: {}".format(border_dist_list[:,:])) for corner in corner_defs: # Init lonely corner lonely_corner = False # Find the indexes of the corner pixels corner_inds1 = np.where(border_dist_list[:,corner[0]] <= center) corner_inds2 = np.where(border_dist_list[:,corner[1]] <= center) big_corner_inds = np.intersect1d(corner_inds1[0], corner_inds2[0]) # Print the corners indexes logger.debug("Corner {} inds1: {}".format(corner, corner_inds1)) logger.debug("Corner {} inds2: {}".format(corner, corner_inds2)) logger.debug("Corner {} inds_intersect: {}".format(corner, big_corner_inds)) # Determine if there is a corner where only 2 tiles overlap # (if this is the case lonely_corner will be set to True) # If 3 or four tiles overlap lonely corner is set to False. if ((border_indirect[corner[0]] < 999) and (border_direct[corner[0]] > 1) and (border_indirect[corner[1]] < 999) and (border_direct[corner[1]] > 1)): # There are only indirect tiles overlapping with this corner pos_corner_inds = np.where(overlapping_values == 2.0)[0] lonely_corner = True elif max_value == 2: # If max_value of 2 was passed, assume that the corner has # only 2 tiles overlapping pos_corner_inds = np.where(overlapping_values == 2.0)[0] lonely_corner = True else: # Else assume that more tiles are overlapping pos_corner_inds = np.where(overlapping_values > 2.0)[0] corner_inds = np.intersect1d(big_corner_inds, pos_corner_inds) logger.debug("Corner {} inds_intersect pos: {}".format(corner, corner_inds)) #If we found any overlap in the corner: if corner_inds.any(): if lonely_corner: # 2 tiles are overlapping, but only in the corner # Calculate the Manhattan distance to the corner of the # current tile for each pixel belonging to this corning. border_dist_corner = np.asfarray(border_dist_list[corner_inds, corner[0]] \ + border_dist_list[corner_inds, corner[1]]) logger.debug('LC border_dist_corner {}'.format(border_dist_corner)) # Find the maximum distance for normalization max_dist_pixels_corner = float(max(border_dist_corner)) logger.debug('LC max_dist_pixels_corner {}'.format(max_dist_pixels_corner)) # Normalize and apply non-linear function if necessary if linear_blending: weights_corner = border_dist_corner / \ max_dist_pixels_corner else: weights_corner = non_linear_blending( border_dist_corner / \ max_dist_pixels_corner) #Place back new weights, overwrite old: weights[corner_inds] = weights_corner logger.debug('LC weights {}'.format(weights)) logger.debug('LC max weights {}'.format(max(weights))) else: if np.mean(overlapping_values[corner_inds]) >= 3.5: # 4 tiles overlap. # If the mean of this corner is larger than 3.5, assume # that 4 tiles overlap here. # Pick the indexes of the corner where all 4 tiles # actually overlap corner_inds4 = np.where(overlapping_values == 4) corner_inds = np.intersect1d(corner_inds, corner_inds4[0]) logger.debug("Corner {} inds_intersect 4: {}".format(corner, corner_inds)) #Find the manhattan distance to corner at these indexes border_dist_corner = border_dist_list[corner_inds, corner[0]] \ + border_dist_list[corner_inds, corner[1]] max_dist_pixels_corner = float(max(border_dist_corner)) # Normalize and apply non-linear function if necessary if linear_blending: weights_corner = border_dist_corner / \ max_dist_pixels_corner else: y = np.asfarray(border_dist_list[corner_inds, corner[0]]) / \ float(max_dist_pixels[corner[0]]) x = np.asfarray(border_dist_list[corner_inds, corner[1]]) / \ float(max_dist_pixels[corner[1]]) logger.debug('x: {} x max: {}'.format(x, max(x))) logger.debug('y: {} y max: {}'.format(y, max(y))) weights_corner = non_linear_blending_corner(x, y) # Place back new weights: weights[corner_inds] = weights_corner elif np.mean(overlapping_values[corner_inds]) < 3.5: # 3 corners overlap. # If the mean of this corner is smaller than 3.5, assume # that 4 tiles overlap here. corner_inds3 = np.intersect1d(corner_inds, np.where(overlapping_values == 3)[0]) #corner_inds = corner_inds3 logger.debug("Corner {} inds_intersect 3: {}".format(corner, corner_inds3)) # Find which of the two borders is not a direct border: special_border = None special_border_list = np.where(border_direct > 1)[0] logger.debug('special_border_list {}'.format(special_border_list)) for border in corner: if border in special_border_list: logger.debug('special_border found {}'.format(border)) special_border = border if special_border is not None: # Special border means that this border does # not overlap with the tile next to it, # therefore there are no overlapping pixels # assigned to this border. # Take all pixels that belong to the special # border into account with the corner: # Determine the maximum distance from the # borders within this corner max_dist_pixels_corner = np.amax(border_dist_list[corner_inds3, :], axis = 0) # Determine new corner pixels based on the maximum distance extra_corner_inds1 = np.where(border_dist_list[:, special_border] <= max_dist_pixels_corner[special_border])[0] logger.debug('extra_corner_inds1 {}'.format(extra_corner_inds1)) logger.debug('big_corner_inds {}'.format(big_corner_inds)) #Replace corner inds with new corner indexes, including the extra corner indexes: corner_inds = np.intersect1d(extra_corner_inds1, big_corner_inds) logger.debug('corner_inds shape {}'.format(corner_inds.shape)) # Replace corner inds 3, with part of the corner that is 3: corner_inds3 = np.where(overlapping_values[corner_inds] == 3)[0] logger.debug('corner_inds3 shape {}'.format(corner_inds3.shape)) # Get the manhattan distance where 3 tiles overlap border_dist_corner3 = np.asfarray( border_dist_list[corner_inds[corner_inds3], corner[0]] \ + border_dist_list[corner_inds[corner_inds3], corner[1]]) logger.debug('border_dist_corner {}'.format(border_dist_corner3)) max_man_dist_corner = float(max(border_dist_corner3)) logger.debug('max_man_dist_corner {}'.format(max_man_dist_corner)) # Also get the manhattan distance for all corner pixels, # also where only 2 tiles overlap border_dist_corner = np.asfarray( border_dist_list[corner_inds, corner[0]] \ + border_dist_list[corner_inds, corner[1]]) # Then normalize this using the maximum of the manhattan # distance in the area where 3 tiles overlap. # So the part where 3 tiles overlap will be normalized in # a normal way, but the parts where only 2 tiles overlap will # not be normalized properly. norm_manh_dist = border_dist_corner / max_man_dist_corner # Then, adjust the norm_manh_dist to deal with the parts where two tiles overlap. # Get the minimum and maximum border distance where all 3 tiles overlap # (direct distance to the closest border) max_corner3_dist = np.amax( border_dist_list[corner_inds[corner_inds3],:], axis = 0) min_corner3_dist = np.amin( border_dist_list[corner_inds[corner_inds3],:], axis = 0) logger.debug('max_corner3_dist min_corner3_dist {} {}' .format(max_corner3_dist, min_corner3_dist)) # Then used this min and max to adjust the weights of pixels that are closer to a border # to zero and weights of pixels that are farther away from a border to 1. for i in corner: norm_manh_dist[border_dist_list[corner_inds, i] < min_corner3_dist[i]] = 0.0 logger.debug('number of pixels closer to corner than end overlap 3: {}' .format(len(norm_manh_dist[border_dist_list[corner_inds, i] < min_corner3_dist[i]]))) norm_manh_dist[border_dist_list[corner_inds, i] > max_corner3_dist[i]] = 1.0 logger.debug('number of pixels farther away from corner than start overlap 3: {}' .format(len(norm_manh_dist[border_dist_list[corner_inds, i] > max_corner3_dist[i]]))) # Make the weights non-linear if necessary if linear_blending: corner_weights = norm_manh_dist else: corner_weights = non_linear_blending(norm_manh_dist) # Multiply the original weights in the corner with the newly calculated corner weights, # this way in the corner we get a combination of weights decreasing towards the direct border # and weights decreasing towards the corner of the tile. weights[corner_inds] *= corner_weights return weights
[docs]def make_final_image(joining, temp_file, im_file, nr_pixels): """Puts blended tiles at the correct position in the final image. Takes blended tiles as found in temp_file and "pastes" them at the correct position as indicated by joining in the final image. The final image is kept in im_file. Parameters: ----------- joining: dict Containing corners for tiles temp_file: pointer Pointer to hdf5 object with the following groups: tiles, temp_masks, ubytes. Each group contains as many datasets as there are tiles, the datasets are named after the the tile index found in the first element of corner. This function places a blended tile and a corner in data set that matches the tile ind argument. im_file: pointer Pointer to hdf5 object with dataset "blending_mask" which contains a numpy array. blending_mask should be 1 where ther is no overlap and 2, 3 or 4 where the respective number of tiles overlap. Other datasets in this file are: final_image and temp_mask nr_pixels: int Size of the tile, tile is assumed to be a square. """"Looping over all tiles and pasting them in the final " + "image...") for i, corner in joining['corner_list']: if not (np.isnan(corner[0])): # Check for empty tile'Placing tile: {} in corner: {}' .format(i, corner)) # Pick the right region of the image using the corner ymin = int(corner[0]) ymax = int(corner[0]) + nr_pixels xmin = int(corner[1]) xmax = int(corner[1]) + nr_pixels logger.debug('i: {} ymin: {} ymax: {} xmin: {} xmax: {}'. format(i, ymin, ymax, xmin, xmax)) # Place the tile: if len(joining['final_image_shape']) == 3: im_file['final_image'][:, ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] += temp_file['blended_tiles'][str(i)] if 'final_image_ubyte' in im_file: im_file['final_image_ubyte'][:, ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] += temp_file['ubytes'][str(i)] else: im_file['final_image'][ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] += temp_file['blended_tiles'][str(i)] if 'final_image_ubyte' in im_file: im_file['final_image_ubyte'][ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] += temp_file['ubytes'][str(i)] im_file['temp_mask'][ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] += temp_file['temp_masks'][str(i)]
[docs]def paste_in_final_image_MPI(joining, temp_file, im_file, tile_ind, nr_pixels): """Puts one blended tile at the correct position in the final image. Takes the blended tile as found at tile_ind in temp_file and "pastes" them at the correct position as indicated by joining in the final image. The final image is kept in im_file. Parameters: ----------- joining: dict Containing corners for tiles temp_file: pointer Pointer to hdf5 object with the following groups: tiles, temp_masks, ubytes. Each group contains as many datasets as there are tiles, the datasets are named after the the tile index found in the first element of corner. This function places a blended tile and a corner in data set that matches the tile ind argument. im_file: pointer Pointer to hdf5 object with dataset "blending_mask" which contains a numpy array. blending_mask should be 1 where ther is no overlap and 2, 3 or 4 where the respective number of tiles overlap. Other datasets in this file are: final_image and temp_mask tile_ind: int Index of the tile that should be placed nr_pixels: int Size of the tile, tile is assumed to be a square. """ # Find the right corner cur_corner = next(([i, corner] for i, corner in joining['corner_list'] if (i == tile_ind)), [0, [np.nan, np.nan]])[1]'Pasting tile {} in final image, in corner: {}' .format(tile_ind, cur_corner)) logger.debug('tile_ind: {} cur_corner: {}'.format(tile_ind, cur_corner)) if not (np.isnan(cur_corner[0])): # Check for empty tile # Pick the right region of the image using the corner ymin = int(cur_corner[0]) ymax = int(cur_corner[0]) + nr_pixels xmin = int(cur_corner[1]) xmax = int(cur_corner[1]) + nr_pixels logger.debug('Global corners: {} {} {} {}'. format(ymin, ymax, xmin, xmax)) # Place the tile: if len(joining['final_image_shape']) == 3: im_file['final_image'][:, ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] += temp_file['blended_tiles'][str(tile_ind)] if 'final_image_ubyte' in im_file: im_file['final_image_ubyte'][:, ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] += temp_file['ubytes'][str(tile_ind)] else: im_file['final_image'][ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] += temp_file['blended_tiles'][str(tile_ind)] if 'final_image_ubyte' in im_file: im_file['final_image_ubyte'][ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] += temp_file['ubytes'][str(tile_ind)] if 'temp_mask' in im_file: im_file['temp_mask'][ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] += temp_file['temp_masks'][str(tile_ind)]
[docs]def assess_overlap(joining, tiles, tile_file, contig_tuples): """Calculate the covariance of the overlap This function is usefull to see the quality of the final overlap. It always works with flattened (max projected) tiles. Parameters: ----------- joining: dict Dictionary containing the corner list (with key: 'corner_list') with the tile indexes and their corresponding corners tiles: list List of hdf5-references, references to the images in tile_file, with a reference for each tile. If a tile does not have an associated image, its name is None. tile_file: pointer hdf5 file object. The opened file containing the tiles to stitch. contig_tuples: list List of tuples. Each tuple is a tile pair. Tuples contain two tile indexes denoting these tiles are contingent to each other. Returns: -------- xcov: float The cross covariance between the overlapping parts of the two images. """"Assessing overlap...") allow_plot = False xcov_list = [] sorted_corners = sorted(joining['corner_list']) logger.debug('sorted corner list: {}'.format(sorted_corners)) for pair in contig_tuples: xcov = np.nan ind1 = min(pair) ind2 = max(pair) if tiles[ind1] is not None and tiles[ind2] is not None: if abs(ind1 - ind2) == 1: #Overlap on left or right logger.debug(("Overlap on right of tile {0} and left of" + " tile {1}").format(ind1, ind2)) corner1 = sorted_corners[ind1][1] corner2 = sorted_corners[ind2][1] #Calculate overlap indexes logger.debug("x values of, ind {}, x-coord: {} ind {}, x-coord: {}" .format(ind1, corner1[1], ind2, corner2[1])) logger.debug("y values of, ind {}, x-coord: {} ind {}, x-coord: {}" .format(ind1, corner1[0], ind2, corner2[0])) overlap_ind_x = int(corner1[1] - corner2[1]) overlap_ind_y = int(corner1[0] - corner2[0]) logger.debug("Overlap index, x: {} y: {}". format(overlap_ind_x, overlap_ind_y)) # Loading tiles in function call, loading the flattened version of the tiles. overlap1, overlap2 = ph.get_overlapping_region(inout.load_tile(tiles[ind1], tile_file), inout.load_tile(tiles[ind2], tile_file), overlap_ind_x, overlap_ind_y, 'left') #For subplotting the overlaps later: plot_order = np.ones((1,3)) else: #Overlap on top or bottom logger.debug(("Overlap on bottom of tile {0} and top of" + "tile {1}").format(ind1, ind2)) corner1 = sorted_corners[ind1][1] corner2 = sorted_corners[ind2][1] #Calculate overlap indexes logger.debug("x values of, ind {}, x-coord: {} cur_corner ind {}, x-coord: {}" .format(ind1, corner1[1], ind2, corner2[1])) logger.debug("y values of, ind {}, y-coord: {} ind {}, y-coord: {}" .format(ind1, corner1[0], ind2, corner2[0])) overlap_ind_x = int(corner1[1] - corner2[1]) overlap_ind_y = int(corner1[0] - corner2[0]) logger.debug("Overlap index, y: {} x: {}". format(overlap_ind_y, overlap_ind_x)) overlap1, overlap2 = ph.get_overlapping_region(inout.load_tile(tiles[ind1], tile_file), inout.load_tile(tiles[ind2], tile_file), overlap_ind_x, overlap_ind_y, 'top') #For subplotting the overlaps later: plot_order = np.ones((3,1)) if allow_plot: overlap_rgb = np.zeros((overlap1.shape[0], overlap1.shape[1], 3)) overlap_rgb[:,:,0] = smex.rescale_intensity(overlap1) overlap_rgb[:,:,1] = smex.rescale_intensity(overlap2) #overlap_masked = np.copy(overlap_rgb) #overlap_masked[:,:,0][overlapping_inds] *= 1.0 - np.array(weights) #overlap_masked[:,:,1][overlapping_inds] *= np.array(weights) cor_coeff, mono_color = ph.xcov_nd(overlap1, overlap2) if not(mono_color): xcov = cor_coeff if mono_color: logger.debug("The overlapping images are mono colored, " + "xcov: {}".format(cor_coeff)) title_text = "Mono color, xcov: {}".format(cor_coeff) else: logger.debug("Normalized cross covariance of overlap: " + "{}".format(cor_coeff)) title_text = "XCov: {}".format(cor_coeff) if allow_plot: inout.display_tiles([overlap1, overlap2, overlap_rgb], plot_order, fig_nr = "overlap check", maximize = True, main_title = title_text, rgb = True) xcov_list.append(xcov) return xcov_list
[docs]def generate_blended_tile_npy(corner_ind_coord,stitching_files_dir, blended_tiles_directory, masked_tiles_directory, analysis_name,processing_hyb,reference_gene, micData, tiles, nr_pixels, linear_blending): """ Blend the tile if necessary and then save it temp blended folder. Modification of the generate_blended_tile that run using .npy files and doesn't save the data in a hdf5 file Parameters: ------------ corner_ind_coord: list Contains two elements, the first one is an int representing the tile index, the second one is a numpy array containing the corner's coordinates. stitching_files_dir: str Path to the files to stitch analysis_name: str Name of the current analysis blended_tiles_directory: str Path to the directory where to save the blended tiles masked_tiles_directory: str Path to the directory with the masks processing_hyb: str Name of the hybridization processed reference_gene: str Name of the gene to be stitched blending_mask: np.array Array containing the blending mask used for blending the images micData: object MicroscopeData object. Contains coordinates of the tile corners as taken from the microscope. tiles: np.array Array with tile number. -1 correspond to missing tile nr_pixels: int Denoting size of the tile. linear_blending: bool When True blending will be linear and when False, blending will be non-linear. """ stitching_files_list = glob.glob(stitching_files_dir+'*.npy') masked_files_list = glob.glob(masked_tiles_directory+'*.npy') # Get corner tile_ind = corner_ind_coord[0] corner = corner_ind_coord[1] # Get the reference address of the tile to load tile_ref = tiles[tile_ind] # Check if the tile is existing if tile_ref != -1: # Get the tile number tile_number = '_'+str(tile_ref)+'.npy' # Load the tile tile_path = [tile_p for tile_p in stitching_files_list if tile_number in tile_p][0] cur_tile = np.load(tile_path) # Load the mask mask_ref = '_'+str(tile_ind)+'.npy' mask_path = [mask_p for mask_p in stitching_files_list if mask_ref in mask_p] if mask_path: cur_mask = np.load(mask_path[0]) #Blend blended_tile, cur_temp_mask = perform_blending_par_proof(tile_ind, cur_mask, cur_tile, linear_blending, tiles, micData.tile_set, nr_pixels) else: blended_tile = cur_tile # Convert the blended tile to uint16 to be able to save it in the # prefilled hdf5 # if blended_tile.max() >1 : # blended_tile = blended_tile/blended_tile.max() # blended_tile[blended_tile<-0] = 0 # blended_tile = img_as_uint(blended_tile) # Save the blended tiles fname = blended_tiles_directory + analysis_name+'_'+processing_hyb+'_'+reference_gene+'_blended_tile_pos'+tile_number,blended_tile)
# Write the blended image in the hdf5 file
[docs]def make_final_image_npy(joining, stitching_file, blended_tiles_directory, tiles,gene, nr_pixels): """ Puts blended tiles at the correct position in the final image. Modified version of the make_final_image that works on .npy stored images. Works only in 2D. Takes blended tiles as found in the blended_tiles_directory and "pastes" them at the correct position as indicated by joining in the final image in the hdf5 file. Parameters: ----------- joining: dict Containing corners for tiles stitching_file: pointer Pointer to hdf5 object with the following groups: blended_tiles_directory: str Path to the directory where to save the blended tiles tiles: np.array Array with tile number. -1 correspond to missing tile gene: str Name of the gene to be stitched nr_pixels: int Size of the tile, tile is assumed to be a square. """ blended_files_list = glob.glob(blended_tiles_directory+'*.npy') for i, corner in joining['corner_list']: tile_ref = tiles[i] if tile_ref != -1: # Get the tile number tile_number = '_'+str(tile_ref)+'.npy' image_path = [ipath for ipath in blended_files_list if tile_number in ipath][0] img = np.load(image_path) # Pick the right region of the image using the corner ymin = int(corner[0]) ymax = int(corner[0]) + nr_pixels xmin = int(corner[1]) xmax = int(corner[1]) + nr_pixels # Place the tile: stitching_file[gene]['StitchedImage']['final_image'][ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] += img stitching_file.flush()