Source code for pysmFISH.object_based_segmentation

import numpy as np
from sympy import Point, Line, Segment
from skimage import filters,io,img_as_float,exposure,morphology,segmentation,measure,feature
from scipy import ndimage as nd
import itertools

[docs]def image_chunks_calculator(dimension,chunk_size): """ Helper function to calculate the size of the chunks created according the length of the vector and the chunk size. Parameters: ----------- dimension: int Length of the vector to Chunk chunkSize: int Dimension of the Chunks Returns: ----------- chunks_sizes: np.array Array of the sizes of the created chunks. It deals with conditions when the expected chunks size do not fit an even number of times in the dimension """ number_even_chunks=int(dimension//chunk_size) total_size_even_chunks=number_even_chunks*chunk_size odd_tile_size=dimension-total_size_even_chunks chunk_sizes=[] chunks_sizes=list(np.repeat(chunk_size,number_even_chunks-1)) if odd_tile_size < chunk_size: chunks_sizes.append(chunk_size+odd_tile_size) else: chunks_sizes.append(odd_tile_size) return tuple(chunks_sizes)
[docs]def image_chunking(img,chunk_size,percent_padding): """ Function used to generate the coords of the images according to the chunking Parameters: ----------- stitched_file_hdl: pointer Handle of the hdf5 file that contains the stitched image. gene: str Processed gene ('Nuclei'). PercentPadding: float Percent of overlapping between the different images (Ex. 0.2). ChunkSize: int Dimension of the Chunks. Returns: ----------- Coords_Chunks_list: list List of np.array with the coords of the images without padding Coords_Padded_Chunks_list: list List of np.array with the coords of the images with padding Notes: ------ For both lists each np.array contains the coords in the following order: [row_tl,row_br,col_tl,col_br] """ # img_r,img_c=stitched_file_hdl[gene][FolderLevel]['final_image'].shape img_r,img_c=img.shape pixel_padding = int(chunk_size*percent_padding) # Calculate the size of the chunks r_chunks_size = image_chunks_calculator(img_r,chunk_size) c_chunks_size = image_chunks_calculator(img_c,chunk_size) # Calculate the total numbers of chunks nr_chunks = len(r_chunks_size) nc_chunks = len(c_chunks_size) # Coords top left corner (tl) r_coords_tl = np.arange(0,chunk_size*(nr_chunks),chunk_size) c_coords_tl = np.arange(0,chunk_size*(nc_chunks),chunk_size) # Coords of all the tl in the image r_coords_tl_all,c_coords_tl_all = np.meshgrid(r_coords_tl,c_coords_tl,indexing='ij') # Calculate all the br coords r_coords_br_all = r_coords_tl_all.copy() c_coords_br_all = c_coords_tl_all.copy() for c in np.arange(0,r_coords_tl_all.shape[1]): r_coords_br_all[:,c] = r_coords_br_all[:,c]+r_chunks_size for r in np.arange(0,r_coords_tl_all.shape[0]): c_coords_br_all[r,:] = c_coords_br_all[r,:]+c_chunks_size # Calculate the padded coords r_coords_tl_all_padded = r_coords_tl_all-pixel_padding c_coords_tl_all_padded = c_coords_tl_all-pixel_padding r_coords_br_all_padded = r_coords_br_all+pixel_padding c_coords_br_all_padded = c_coords_br_all+pixel_padding # Correct for coords out of the image (where tl<0,br>Img.shape) r_coords_tl_all_padded[r_coords_tl_all_padded<0] = r_coords_tl_all[r_coords_tl_all_padded<0] c_coords_tl_all_padded[c_coords_tl_all_padded<0] = c_coords_tl_all[c_coords_tl_all_padded<0] r_coords_br_all_padded[r_coords_br_all_padded>img_r] = r_coords_br_all[r_coords_br_all_padded>img_r] c_coords_br_all_padded[c_coords_br_all_padded>img_c] = c_coords_br_all[c_coords_br_all_padded>img_c] # The coords list are generated as: # row_tl,row_br,col_tl,col_br # Create a list for the non padded coords Coords_Chunks_list = list() for r in np.arange(0,r_coords_tl_all.shape[0]): for c in np.arange(0,r_coords_tl_all.shape[1]): Coords_Chunks_list.append((np.array([r_coords_tl_all[r][c],\ r_coords_br_all[r][c],\ c_coords_tl_all[r][c],\ c_coords_br_all[r][c]]))) # Create a list for the padded coords Coords_Padded_Chunks_list = list() for r in np.arange(0,r_coords_tl_all_padded.shape[0]): for c in np.arange(0,r_coords_tl_all_padded.shape[1]): Coords_Padded_Chunks_list.append(np.array([r_coords_tl_all_padded[r][c],\ r_coords_br_all_padded[r][c],\ c_coords_tl_all_padded[r][c],\ c_coords_br_all_padded[r][c]])) return nr_chunks,nc_chunks,Coords_Chunks_list, Coords_Padded_Chunks_list,r_coords_tl_all_padded,\ c_coords_tl_all_padded,r_coords_br_all_padded,c_coords_br_all_padded
[docs]def polyT_segmentation(Img, min_object_size, min_distance,disk_radium_rank_filer,threshold_rel,trimming): """ Function that runs the polyT segmentation on an image Parameters: ----------- Img: np.array 2D image to be segmented min_object_size: int Minimum size of a connected component in order to be considered a cell. min_distance: int Minimum distance between peaks for the creation of the markers for the first round of watershed. disk_radium_rank_filer: int Size of the filter for preprocessing the image in order to calculate the Thr. threshold_rel: float relative threshold between the markers for the first round of watershed. trimming: int Define the trimming point for the selection of the Thr for image processing. Returns: -------- Objects_dict: dict Dictionary with the labels and their coords. """ Img = img_as_float(Img) Hist=exposure.histogram(Img) ThrArray=Hist[1] SelectedThr = ThrArray[trimming] # Consider the case with a black image Objects_dict=dict() if Img.max()==0: Objects_dict={} else: # SelectedThr=rescaling_calculation(Img,relax) Img=exposure.rescale_intensity(Img,in_range=(0,SelectedThr)) Img_Thr=filters.rank.maximum(Img,morphology.disk(disk_radium_rank_filer)) # If ranking filter remove all the objects the image is made of all 0 # and otsu won't work if Img_Thr.max()==0: Objects_dict={} else: Threshold=filters.threshold_otsu(Img_Thr) Img_Thr=Img_Thr>Threshold # Fill holes in the binarized objects ImgFill=nd.morphology.binary_fill_holes(Img_Thr) # Binary opening Img_Thr_op=nd.binary_opening(ImgFill,structure=morphology.disk(2)) # Remove small object ImgRemSmall=morphology.remove_small_objects(Img_Thr_op,min_size=min_object_size) # Determine if by removing the small objects you fully cleared the image Check = np.asarray(ImgRemSmall, dtype=int) Check = Check.sum() if Check>0: # Identify the objects labels_peak=measure.label(ImgRemSmall,connectivity=2,background=0) # Create markers for the first round of watersher distance=nd.distance_transform_edt(Img*ImgRemSmall) local_maxi = feature.peak_local_max(distance,min_distance=min_distance,threshold_rel=threshold_rel,\ indices=False,labels=labels_peak,exclude_border = False) # Take care of the case where there is an object but no local max and # cannot determine the number of values if local_maxi.max()>0: marker=markers = nd.label(local_maxi)[0] # Remember that background is 0 Objects_wt_one = morphology.watershed(-distance, marker, mask=ImgRemSmall) # no need for intensity...need to be recalculate lated #Objects_wt_one_prop=measure.regionprops(Objects_wt_one,intensity_image=Img) Objects_wt_one_prop=measure.regionprops(Objects_wt_one) # Select only newly created objects above minsize for obj in Objects_wt_one_prop: if obj.area> min_object_size: # Return only the labels and the corresponding coords Objects_dict[obj.label]=obj.coords else: Objects_dict={} else: Objects_dict={} return Objects_dict
[docs]def OverlappingCouples(chunk_coords,TotalDataDict): """ Calculate all the intersecting objects Parameters: ----------- chunk_coords: list List of np.array with the coords of the images with padding TotalDataDict: dict Dictionary with the labels and the coords of the identified objects after merging the result of the segmentation on the different image chunks. Returns: -------- Intersecting_cpl: list List of tuples with all the overlapping labels [(Obj1,Obj12),(Obj2, Obj3)]. """ # Filter out the objects not in the overlapping region ObjectsOverlap_list=list() Intersecting_cpl=list() Intersecting_cpl_idx=list() Intersection=list() for lab in TotalDataDict.keys(): if ((TotalDataDict[lab][:,0] >= chunk_coords[0]).any() and (TotalDataDict[lab][:,0] <= chunk_coords[1]).any() and (TotalDataDict[lab][:,1] >= chunk_coords[2]).any() and (TotalDataDict[lab][:,1] <= chunk_coords[3]).any()): ObjectsOverlap_list.append(lab) # Remove possible duplicates ObjectsOverlap_list=list(set(ObjectsOverlap_list)) # Create all possible combinations of overlapping objects combinations=list(itertools.combinations(ObjectsOverlap_list,2)) # For all the couples of objects determine which one are overlapping for couple in combinations: Result=not set(map(tuple, TotalDataDict[couple[0]])).isdisjoint(map(tuple, TotalDataDict[couple[1]])) Intersection.append(Result) if (np.array(Intersection)).any(): [Intersecting_cpl_idx.append(i) for i,x in enumerate(Intersection) if x] [Intersecting_cpl.append(combinations[cp]) for cp in Intersecting_cpl_idx] return Intersecting_cpl
# Function for calculating the intersection. Recalculate the coords # Output the coords and the labels to keep and to get rid off # in this case I merge the coords but in the future I will merge then recalculate # the segmentation
[docs]def IntersectionCouples(couple,TotalDataDict): """ Function to consolidate the overlapping couples. Identify if there are multiple overlapping, merge the coords together and keep only one label Parameters: ----------- couple: list List of tuples with the labels of the overlapping objects. If contains more than one repeat of the same object, the repeats are removed. TotalDataDict: dict Dictionary with the labels and the coords of the identified objects after merging the result of the segmentation on the different image chunks. Returns: -------- SaveLab: list List of saved labels. RemoveLabs: list List of the remove labels. NewCoords: list Merged obj coords. """ # If there are more then one combination in the couple if len(couple)>1: # Remove the duplicated labs=list() [labs.append(element) for cpl in couple for element in cpl] labs=list(set(labs)) else: labs=list(couple[0]) # Merge the coords NewCoords=TotalDataDict[labs[0]] for lab in labs[1:]: NewCoords=np.vstack((NewCoords,TotalDataDict[lab])) # Remove duplicates Tp_NewCoord=[tuple(x) for x in NewCoords] NewCoords=np.array(list(set(Tp_NewCoord))) TotalDataDict[labs[0]]=NewCoords SaveLab=labs[0] RemoveLabs=labs.copy() RemoveLabs.remove(SaveLab) return SaveLab, RemoveLabs,NewCoords
[docs]def obj_properties_calculator(obj): """ Calculate the morphological properties of the object (connected component). Parameters: ----------- obj: dict Dictionary with the object label and the coords. Returns: -------- obj_prop_dict: dict Dictionary with the calculated properties of the object """ # Create the obj properties dictionary obj_prop_dict = dict() # Define ID and coords of the obj obj_id = obj[0] obj_coords = obj[1] row_Coords_obj=obj_coords[:,0] col_Coords_obj=obj_coords[:,1] # Calculate the coords of the bounding box to use to crop the ROI # Added +1 because in the cropping python will not consider the end of the interval bb_row_max=row_Coords_obj.max()+1 bb_row_min=row_Coords_obj.min() bb_col_max=col_Coords_obj.max()+1 bb_col_min=col_Coords_obj.min() # Normalize the coords of the obj row_Coords_obj_norm=row_Coords_obj-bb_row_min col_Coords_obj_norm=col_Coords_obj-bb_col_min # Bounding box bb_coords = (bb_row_min,bb_row_max,bb_col_min,bb_col_max) # obj_coords recalculated obj_coords = (row_Coords_obj_norm,col_Coords_obj_norm) # Create object image for properties Img=np.zeros([bb_coords[1]-bb_coords[0],bb_coords[3]-bb_coords[2]],dtype=np.uint8) Img[obj_coords[0],obj_coords[1]]=1 # calculate the object properties obj_prop=measure.regionprops(Img) # Collect only the needed properties obj_area=obj_prop[0].area obj_centroid=obj_prop[0].centroid obj_convex_area=obj_prop[0].convex_area obj_filled_area=obj_prop[0].filled_area obj_major_axis_length=obj_prop[0].major_axis_length obj_minor_axis_length=obj_prop[0].minor_axis_length obj_perimeter=obj_prop[0].perimeter # Adjust coords of the centroid obj_centroid=[obj_centroid[0]+bb_coords[0],obj_centroid[1]+bb_coords[2]] obj_prop_dict[obj_id]={'obj_area':obj_area,'obj_centroid':obj_centroid,'obj_convex_area':obj_convex_area,\ 'obj_filled_area':obj_filled_area,'obj_major_axis_length':obj_major_axis_length,\ 'obj_minor_axis_length':obj_minor_axis_length,'obj_perimeter':obj_perimeter, 'obj_coords':obj[1]} return obj_prop_dict