#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import argparse
import h5py
import glob
import multiprocessing
from distributed import Client,LocalCluster
import logging
import re
import shutil
# Own imports
from pysmFISH.stitching_package import stitching
from pysmFISH.stitching_package import tilejoining
from pysmFISH.stitching_package import hdf5preparation
from pysmFISH import utils
[docs]def apply_stitching():
Script to apply the registration to all the osmFISH channels. It will create
a stitched image in an hdf5 file
All the parameters are entered via argparse
experiment_path: string
Path to the folder with the hybridizations
reference_files_path: string
Path to the folder with the _reg_data.pkl files
scheduler: string
tcp address of the dask.distributed scheduler (ex. tcp://
default = False. If False the process will run on the local computer using nCPUs-1
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Create the stitched images \
after registration')
parser.add_argument('-experiment_path', help='path to the folder with the hybridizations')
parser.add_argument('-reference_files_path', help='path to the folder with the \
_reg_data.pkl files')
parser.add_argument('-scheduler', default=False, help='dask scheduler address ex. tcp://')
args = parser.parse_args()
processing_experiment_directory = args.experiment_path
stitched_reference_files_dir = args.reference_files_path
# Dask scheduler address
scheduler_address = args.scheduler
if scheduler_address:
# Start dask client on server or cluster
# Start dask client on local machine. It will use all the availabe
# cores -1
# number of core to use
ncores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()-1
cluster = LocalCluster(n_workers=ncores)
# Determine the operating system running the code
os_windows, add_slash = utils.determine_os()
# Check training slash in the processing directory
# Starting logger
logger = logging.getLogger()
# Collect the infos of the experiment and the processing
# Parse the Experimental metadata file (serial)
experiment_infos,image_properties, hybridizations_infos, \
converted_positions, microscope_parameters =\
# Parse the configuration file
flt_rawcnt_config = utils.filtering_raw_counting_config_parser(processing_experiment_directory)
# Get the reference gene used
reference_gene = flt_rawcnt_config['reference_gene']
# Stitch the image in 2D or 3D (3D need more work/testing)
nr_dim = flt_rawcnt_config['nr_dim']
# Determine the hybridizations to process
if isinstance(flt_rawcnt_config['hybs_to_stitch'],list):
hybridizations_to_process = flt_rawcnt_config['hybs_to_stitch']
if flt_rawcnt_config['hybs_to_stitch'] == 'All':
hybridizations_to_process = list(hybridizations_infos.keys())
raise ValueError('Error in the hybridizations to stitch')
for hybridization in hybridizations_to_process:
# Determine the genes to stitch in the processing hybridization
genes_processing = list(hybridizations_infos[hybridization].keys())
hyb_short = re.sub('Hybridization','hyb',hybridization)
processing_hyb = experiment_infos['ExperimentName']+'_'+hyb_short
hyb_dir = processing_experiment_directory+processing_hyb+add_slash
# Create pointer of the hdf5 file that will store the stitched images
# for the current hybridization
tile_file_base_name = flt_rawcnt_config['analysis_name']+'_'+experiment_infos['ExperimentName']+'_'+hyb_short
stitching_file_name = tile_file_base_name + '.reg.sf.hdf5'
data_name = (tile_file_base_name
+ '_' + reference_gene
+ '_stitching_data_reg')
stitching_file= h5py.File(stitched_reference_files_dir+stitching_file_name,'w',libver='latest') # replace with 'a' as soon as you fix the error
# Determine the tiles organization
joining, tiles, nr_pixels, z_count, micData = stitching.get_place_tile_input_apply_npy(hyb_dir,stitched_reference_files_dir,data_name,image_properties,nr_dim)
for gene in genes_processing:
# Create the hdf5 file structure
stitched_group, linear_blending, blend = hdf5preparation.create_structures_hdf5_stitched_ref_gene_file_npy(stitching_file, joining, nr_pixels,
gene, blend = 'non linear')
# Fill the hdf5 containing the stitched image with empty data and
# create the blending mask
stitched_group['final_image'][:]= np.zeros(joining['final_image_shape'],dtype=np.uint16)
if blend is not None:
# make mask
stitched_group['blending_mask'][:] = np.zeros(joining['final_image_shape'][-2:],dtype=np.uint16)
tilejoining.make_mask(joining, nr_pixels, stitched_group['blending_mask'])
filtered_img_gene_dirs_path = hyb_dir+flt_rawcnt_config['analysis_name']+'_'+processing_hyb +'_filtered_npy'+add_slash
filtered_img_gene_dirs = glob.glob(filtered_img_gene_dirs_path+'*')
# Create the subdirectory used to save the blended tiles
suffix = 'blended_tiles'
blended_tiles_directory = utils.create_single_directory(hyb_dir,gene, hybridization,processing_hyb,suffix,add_slash,
# Get the directory with the filtered npy images of the reference_gene to use for stitching
stitching_files_dir = [npy_dir for npy_dir in filtered_img_gene_dirs if gene in npy_dir][0]
stitching_files_dir= stitching_files_dir+add_slash
# Create the tmp directory where to save the masks
suffix = 'masks'
masked_tiles_directory = utils.create_single_directory(hyb_dir,gene,hybridization,processing_hyb,suffix,add_slash,
# Create and save the mask files
for corn_value,corner_coords in joining['corner_list']:
if not(np.isnan(corner_coords[0])):
cur_mask = stitched_group['blending_mask'][int(corner_coords[0]):int(corner_coords[0]) + int(nr_pixels),
int(corner_coords[1]):int(corner_coords[1]) + int(nr_pixels)]
fname = masked_tiles_directory + flt_rawcnt_config['analysis_name'] +'_'+processing_hyb+'_'+gene+'_masks_joining_pos_'+str(corn_value)
# Blend all the tiles and save them in a directory
futures_processes = client.map(tilejoining.generate_blended_tile_npy,joining['corner_list'],
stitching_files_dir = stitching_files_dir,
blended_tiles_directory = blended_tiles_directory,
masked_tiles_directory = masked_tiles_directory,
analysis_name = flt_rawcnt_config['analysis_name'],
processing_hyb = processing_hyb,reference_gene = gene,
micData = micData,tiles = tiles,nr_pixels=nr_pixels,
_ = client.gather(futures_processes)
# Write the stitched image
tilejoining.make_final_image_npy(joining, stitching_file, blended_tiles_directory, tiles,gene, nr_pixels)
# Remove directories with blended tiles and masks
if __name__ == "__main__":