
In this section, we will show by example how to complete common tasks with idiomatic use of loompy.

Working with a newly created file

Loompy 2 changes the behaviour of loompy.create: it no longer returns a value. Thus in order to work with a newly created file you have to do this:

loompy.create("filename.loom", m, row_attrs, col_attrs)
with loompy.connect("filename.loom") as ds: something with ds
# File closes automatically

The reason for the change is that we would often create files without closing the returned file handle, which causes issues especially in multi-process scenarios.

Note: if you simply want to create the file, and not access it, there is no need to use a with statement:

loompy.create("filename.loom", m, row_attrs, col_attrs)

This will leave the file closed.

Loading attributes from Pandas

If you have your metadata in a Pandas DataFrame, you can easily use it to create a Loom file. You will need one DataFrame for the column metadata and one for the row metadata. Convert each DataFrame into a dictionary of lists:

df_row_metadata = ... # A pandas DataFrame holding row metadata
df_col_metadata = ... # A pandas DataFrame holding column metadata
data = ... # A numpy ndarray holding the main dataset

loompy.create(filename, data, df_row_metadata.to_dict("list"), df_col_metadata.to_dict("list"))

Combining data using scan() and new()

We often want to scan through a number of input files (for example, raw data files from multiple experiments), select a subset of the columns (e.g. cells passing QC) and write them to a new file. This can be accomplished by creating an empty file using and then filling it up using the scan() method.

For example, let’s select cells that have more than 500 detected UMIs in each of several files:

with as dsout:  # Create a new, empty, loom file
  for f in input_files:
    with loompy.connect(f) as ds:
      totals =[np.sum], axis=1)[0]
      cells = np.where(totals > 500)[0] # Select the cells that passed QC (totals > 500)
      for (ix, selection, view) in ds.scan(items=cells, axis=1):
        dsout.add_columns(view.layers,, row_attrs=view.ra)

Note that by using new() we will first be creating the new file, then appending columns to it.

But what if the input files do not have their rows in the same order? scan() accepts a key argument to designate a primary key; each view is then returned sorted on the primary key on the other axis. For example, if you’re scanning across columns, you should provide a row attribute as key, and each view will be sorted on that attribute.

Here’s the same example, but this time we provide the key="Accession" argument to ensure that the input files are sorted on the accession identifier along rows:

with as dsout:  # Create a new, empty, loom file
  for f in input_files:
    with loompy.connect(f) as ds:
      totals =[np.sum], axis=1)[0]
      cells = np.where(totals > 500)[0] # Select the cells that passed QC (totals > 500)
      for (ix, selection, view) in ds.scan(items=cells, axis=1, key="Accession"):
        dsout.add_columns(view.layers,, row_attrs=view.ra)

Fitting an incremental PCA

Incremental algorithms are a powerful way of working with datasets that won’t fit in RAM. For example, we can use incremental PCA to learn a PCA transform by batch-wise partial fits:

from sklearn.decomposition import IncrementalPCA
genes = (ds.ra.Selected == 1)
pca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=50)
  for (ix, selection, view) in ds.scan(axis=1):
    self.pca.partial_fit(view[genes, :].transpose())