Loom file format specs


This specification defines the Loom file format version 3.0.0.


The Loom file format is designed to efficiently hold large omics datasets. Typically, such data takes the form of a large matrix of numbers, along with metadata for the rows and columns. For example, single-cell RNA-seq data consists of expression measurements for all genes (rows) in a large number of cells (columns), along with metadata for genes (e.g. Chromosome, Strand, Location, Name), and for cells (e.g. Species, Sex, Strain, GFP positive).

We designed Loom files to represent such datasets in a way that treats rows and columns the same. You may want to cluster both genes and cells, you may want to perform PCA on both of them, and filter based on quality controls. SQL databases and other data storage solutions almost always treat data as a table, not a matrix, and makes it very hard to add arbitrary metadata to rows and columns. In contrast, Loom makes this very easy.

Furthermore, current and future datasets can have tens of thousands of rows (genes) and hundreds of thousands of columns (cells). We designed Loom for efficient access to arbitrary rows and columns.

The annotated matrix format lends itself to very natural representation of common analysis tasks. For example, the result of a clustering algorithm can be stored simply as another attribute that gives the cluster ID for each cell. Dimensionality reduction such as PCA or t-SNE, similarly, can be stored as two attributes giving the projection coordinates of each cell.

Finally, we recognize the importance of graph-based analyses of such datasets. Loom supports graphs of both the rows (e.g. genes) and the columns (e.g. cells), and multiple graphs can be stored each file.

HDF5 concepts

The Loom format is based on HDF5, a standard for storing large numerical datasets. Quoting from h5py.org:

An HDF5 file is a container for two kinds of objects: datasets, which are array-like collections of data, and groups, which are folder-like containers that hold datasets and other groups. The most fundamental thing to remember when using h5py is: Groups work like dictionaries, and datasets work like NumPy arrays.

A valid Loom file is simply an HDF5 file that contains specific groups containing the main matrix as well as row and column attributes. Because of this, Loom files can be created and read by any language that supports HDF5, including Python, R, MATLAB, Mathematica, C, C++, Java, and Ruby.


The official MIME media type for a loom file is application/vnd.loom, approved by IANA. You should use this media type when requesting a file using HTTP, or if you create a server that offers Loom files for download.

See the IANA record for application/vnd.loom for important security considerations.

The Loom file format is designated as a standard format for gene expression matrices by the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) standards body, as part of the rnaget API. The rnaget API documentation contains good examples of how to use the media type specification.


A valid Loom file conforms to the following:

Main matrix and layers

  • There MUST be a single HDF5 dataset at /matrix, of dimensions (N, M)

  • There can OPTIONALLY be a HDF5 group /layers containing additional matrices (called “layers”)

  • Each additional layer MUST have the same (N, M) shape

  • Each layer can have a different data type, compression, chunking etc.

Global attributes

  • There MUST be an HDF5 group /attrs containing global attributes.

  • There MUST be a HDF5 dataset /attrs/LOOM_SPEC_VERSION with the value 3.0.0.

Global attributes apply semantically to the whole file, not any specific part of it. Such attributes are stored in the HDF5 group /attrs and can be any valid scalar or multidimensional datatype.

As of Loom file format v3.0.0, only one global attribute is mandatory: the LOOM_SPEC_VERSION attribute, which is a string value giving the loom file spec version that was followed in creating the file. See top of this document for the current version of the spec.

Note: previous versions of the loom file format stored global attributes as HDF5 attributes on the root / group. However, such attributes are size-limited, which caused problems for some applications.

Row and column attributes

  • There MUST be a group /row_attrs

  • There can OPTIONALLY be one or more datasets at /row_attrs/{name} whose first dimension has length N

  • There MUST be a group /col_attrs

  • There can OPTIONALLY be one or more datasets at /col_attrs/{name} whose first dimension has length M

The datasets under /row_attrs should be semantically interpreted as row attributes, with one value per row of the main matrix, and in the same order. Therefore, all datasets under this group must be arrays with exactly N elements, where N is the number of rows in the main matrix.

The datasets under /col_attrs should be semantically interpreted as column attributes, with one value per column of the main matrix, and in the same order. Therefore, all datasets under this group must be arrays with exactly M elements, where M is the number of columns in the main matrix.

Row and column sparse graphs

  • There MUST be a group /col_graphs

  • There can OPTIONALLY be one or more groups at /col_graphs/{name}

  • Under each /col_graphs/{name} group, there MUST be three one-dimensional datasets called a (integer), b (integer) and w (float). These should be interpreted as a sparse graph in coordinate list format. The lengths of the three datasets MUST be equal, which defines the number of edges in the graph. Note that the number of columns in the dataset defines the vertices, so an unconnected vertex is one that has no entry in a or b.

  • There MUST be a group /row_graphs

  • There can OPTIONALLY be one or more groups at /row_graphs/{name}

  • Under each /row_graphs/{name} group, there MUST be three one-dimensional datasets called a (integer), b (integer) and w (float). These should be interpreted as a sparse graph in coordinate list format. The lengths of the three datasets MUST be equal, which defines the number of edges in the graph. Note that the number of rows in the dataset defines the vertices, so an unconnected vertex is one that has no entry in a or b.

  • Vertex indexing is zero-based. When an entry in a or b is zero, this denotes the first column in the matrix. If there are N columns, then vertices are numbered from 0 to N - 1.


The main matrix and additional layers MUST be two-dimensional arrays of one of these numeric types: int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float16, float32 and float64. Each layer can have its own datatype.

Row and column attributes are multidimensional arrays whose first dimension matches the corresponding main matrix dimension. The elements MUST be of one of the numeric datatypes int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float16, float32 and float64 or fixed-length ASCII strings.

Global attributes are scalars or multidimensional arrays of any shape, whose elements are any of the numeric datatypes int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float16, float32 and float64 or fixed-length ASCII strings.

Starting with v3.0.0 of the spec, all strings are stored as variable-length UTF-8 encoded.

Note: in previous version, strings were stored as fixed-length null-padded 7-bit ASCII. Unicode characters outside 7-bit ASCII were stored using XML entity encoding, to ensure maximum compatibility. Strings were decoded when read and encoded when written.


Here’s an example of the structure of a valid Loom file:






Global attribbutes



Row attribute “Species” of type string


float32[N,M] or uint16[N,M]

Main matrix of N rows and M columns



Subgroup of additional matrix layers



Subgroup of all row attributes



Row attribute “Name” of type string



Subgroup of all column attributes



Column attribute “CellID” of type float64



Subgroup of all column graphs



A column graph “KNN”



Vector of edge ‘from’ vertices



Vector of edge ‘to’ vertices



Vector of edge weights



Subgroup of all row graphs

Backwards compatibility

Loom v3.0.0 introduces two major backwards-incompatible changes (global attributes and variable-length strings; see above).

A compliant Loom reader MUST check the LOOM_SPEC_VERSION and treat files consistently with their spec. For example, when writing a global attribute, the writer MUST write only to the /attrs group if LOOM_SPEC_VERSION is 3.0.0 or higher. The writer MUST write the HDF5 attributes on the root / group if LOOM_SPEC_VERSION is lower than 3.0.0 or if it does not exist. This is to preserve a consistent format for legacy files.