Global Optimization

class pysmFISH.stitching_package.GlobalOptimization.GlobalOptimization[source]

Use linear regression to find the global transitions that fit the pairwise transitions best

self.logger – logger instance self.global_trans – 2D numpy array containg the global

translation for each tile. (Or empty list before running performOptimization())
performOptimization(tile_set, contig_tuples, P, covs, nr_tiles, nr_dim)[source]

Use linear regression to find the global transition

Fills up self.global_trans; a numpy array with shape (nr_tiles, nr_dim).

tile_set: np.array
Array filled with ones that has the same shape as tile set
contig_tuples: list
List of tuples denoting which tiles are contingent to each other.
P: np.array
1D numpy array containing pairwise alignment y and x coordinates (and z-coordinates when applicable) for each neighbouring pair of tiles, array should be 2 * len(contig_typles) f for 2D data or 3 * len(contig_typles) for 3D data.
covs: np.array
Covariance for each pairwise alignment in P, array should be len(contig_typles).
nr_tiles: int
The number of tiles in the dataset
nr_dim: int
The number of dimensions the image.