
Helper functions for the class pairwise alignment Creates its own logger object when imported.


pysmFISH.stitching_package.pairwisehelper.calc_translated_pics(trans, overlap1, overlap2, round_size=False)[source]

Calculate wich part of 2 pictures overlap after translation.

Translates overlap2 and returns the parts of overlap1 and overlap2 that overlap after translation. Parts that do not overlap are cropped. The alternative would be to fill the parts that do not overlap with zeros, but this seems to mess up the covariance calculation more than cropping the pictures. Here, one problem is that we may crop unnecessarily much because the cropping is done on the overlap and not on the whole tile.

trans: np.array
1 by 2 np-array with y and x translation.
overlap1: np.array
overlap2: np.array
Image that is supposed to overlap with overlap1
round_size: bool
If True the final image sizes will be rounded to the nearest integer before warping the images. (Default: False)
shifted_a: np.array
Overlap a shifted and cropped to the same size as shifted_b
shifted_b: np.array
Overlap b shifted and cropped to the same size as shifted_a
pysmFISH.stitching_package.pairwisehelper.calc_translated_pics_3D(trans, overlap1, overlap2, round_size=False)[source]

Calculate wich part of two 3D pictures overlap after translation.

Translates overlap2 and returns the parts of overlap1 and overlap2 that overlap after translation. This function works in 3D but does not translate in z. Parts that do not overlap are cropped. The alternative would be to fill the parts that do not overlap with zeros, but this seems to mess up the covariance calculation more than cropping the pictures. Here, one problem is that we may crop unnecessarily much because the cropping is done on the overlap and not on the whole tile.

trans: np.array
1 by 2 np-array with y and x translation.
overlap1: np.array
overlap2: np.array
Image that is supposed to overlap with overlap1
round_size: bool
If True the final image sizes will be rounded to the nearest integer before warping the images. (Default: False)
shifted_a: np.array
Overlap a shifted and cropped to the same size as shifted_b
shifted_b: np.array
Overlap b shifted and cropped to the same size as shifted_a
pysmFISH.stitching_package.pairwisehelper.calculate_PCM(pic_a, pic_b)[source]

Calculate the phase correlation matrix of pic_a and pic_b.

pic_a: np.array
First picture
pic_b: np.array
Second picture
r: np.array
Normalized PCM matrix
pic_a and pic_b should have the same size
pysmFISH.stitching_package.pairwisehelper.calculate_PCM_method2(pic_a, pic_b)[source]

Calculate the phase correlation matrix of pic_a and pic_b.

Method 2 differs from calculate_PCM in that it calculates the PCM per, layer in the image therefore this function is only applicable to 3D images/complete z-stacks. In fact it is only used when in if method == ‘calculate per layer’.

pic_a: np.array
First picture
pic_b: np.array
Second picture
r: np.array
Normalized PCM matrix
pic_a and pic_b should have the same size
pysmFISH.stitching_package.pairwisehelper.display_overlap(overlap1, overlap2, best_trans, best_cov, plot_order)[source]

Plot two pictures and show how they overlap.

This function will only plot when allow_plot is True and in inout matplotlib is imported and plot_available is True.

overlap1: np.array
2d np-array representing an image
overlap2: np.array
2d np-array representing an image
best_trans: np.array
1 by 2 np array with an y and x value for the best transition
best_cov: float
Number indicating the goodness of the overlap between the two pictures
plot_order: list
The order in wich subplots should be placed if when plotting overlap1 and 2 and overlap rgb
pysmFISH.stitching_package.pairwisehelper.get_overlapping_region(tile_1, tile_2, overlap_ind_x, overlap_ind_y, direction)[source]

Given the overlap indexes calculate the overlap in direction.

tile_1: np.array
2D or 3D numpy array representing an image.
tile_2: np.array
2D or 3D numpy array representing an image.
overlap_ind_x: int
The difference in pixels between the tile corners in the x/column direction.
overlap_ind_y: int
The difference in pixels between the tile corners in the y/row direction.
direction: str
Valid values: ‘left’ or ‘top’. Denotes if the two tiles neighbour on the right and left or at the bottom and top.
overlap_1: np.array
2D or 3D numpy arrays. The parts of each image that overlap.
overlap_2: np.array
2D or 3D numpy arrays. The parts of each image that overlap.
pysmFISH.stitching_package.pairwisehelper.xcov_nd(pic_1, pic_2)[source]

Calculate the normalized cross covariance of pic_1 and pic_2.

pic_1: np.array
Numpy array representing a gray value picture, same size as pic_2
pic_2: np.array
Numpy array representing a gray value picture, same size as pic_1
: float
The normalized crosscovariance of pic_1 and pic_2 (coVar / (stDev1 * stDev2))
monocolor: bool
True if the one or both of the pictures contained only one color.