Understanding the semantics of loom files

Connecting, not loading and saving

Loom files are stored on disk and are never loaded entirely. They are more like databases: you connect, retrieve some subset of the data, maybe update some attributes.

When you connect, only some metadata is loaded, but the main matrix, additional layers, graphs and attribute values remain on disk. They are loaded only as needed when you access them through the connection object.

The canonical way to connect to a Loom file is:

with loompy.connect("filename.loom") as ds:
    # do something with the connection object ds

This ensures that the file is automatically closed when no longer needed.

For interactive usage, it may be more convenient to connect directly:

ds = loompy.connect("filename.loom")
# do something with the connection object ds

In that case, you need to close the connection explicitly.

Reading and writing

Loom files are based on HDF5, a file format suitable for large multidimensional datasets. Loom files are great for distribution of large datasets, and for use in computational pipelines. They do not support writing and reading concurrently. They also do not support journalling, so if something happens during a write, the entire file can be lost. Therefore, do not use loom files as your primary data storage. They are for working with data, not keeping it safe.

Loom files do support concurrent reads, but only from separate processes (not threads), and (we think) only from a single compute node. On a compute cluster, you may encounter bugs if you try to read the same Loom file from different compute nodes concurrently.

Efficient indexing and compression

The main matrix is stored in chunked format. That is, instead of being stored by rows or by columns, it is stored as a sequence of little rectangles. As a consequence, both rows and columns (as well as submatrices) can be efficiently accessed.

By default, chunks are compressed and decompressed for you automatically. This makes Loom a space-efficient format for storing large sparse datasets. We have found that Loom often uses the same amount of space as standard sparse matrix formats.

Matrix and attributes

Loom files represent a two-dimensional matrix with named row and column attributes. If the main matrix has N rows and M columns, then each column attribute has M elements (one per column) and vice versa.

By convention, the matrix represents measurements of some property (e.g. gene expression), genes are stored in the rows and columns represent samples (e.g. cells).

The file can grow by the addition of attributes and columns (but not rows). For this reason, it’s a good idea to put genes in the rows (since you will likely always work with the same gene set).

Data types

Loom supports the following data types:

  • The main matrix, and any additional layers, are two-dimensional arrays of numbers, which can be any 8, 16, 32 or 64-bit integer (signed or unsigned), or 16, 32 or 64-bit float.

  • Attributes are N-dimensional arrays, and the elements can be any 8, 16, 32 or 64-bit integer (signed or unsigned), or 16, 32 or 64-bit float, or string. The size of the first dimension must match the corresponding matrix dimension.

See the file format specification for detailed information on data types, including a discussion on string handling, ASCII and Unicode support.